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Mick Page 6

“Wait. You’re both getting ahead of yourselves. Mick needs to know it’s my fault he’s in here.”

  He eyes bore into mine. “Did you fucking shoot me, Morgan?” he asks.

  “No,” I screech. “Of course not.”

  Holding my hands in his, he adds, “Then it’s not your fault. I don’t give a fuck if you think that. What happened wasn’t yours.”

  “They came for me.”

  “What the fuck?”

  “Mick, they are the guys that attacked Morgan in college.”

  “Attacked you in college?”

  “Yes, that’s how Crystal and I met,” I tell him the truth, the whole truth and wait for his punishment, but it doesn’t come. Instead, he pulls me onto his lap as if he didn’t just wake up from a coma, then tips my chin to examine my neck. There’s a slight scar from that night. “I wondered if you were lying about that mark.” He sits me back down next to him and then addresses my brother, “Please tell me you got these fuckers.”

  “Only the ones who attacked us. We have a beat on where they’re at and who their ringleader, but the operation is too big to attack on our own. The rumors are they are infiltrating two towns over with tons of heroin and meth. They’re trying to branch out, but we’re in the way. It’s the only reason they could be coming for us. Santos has been doing some recon to make up for the attempted abduction of my wife’s family.”

  “Morgan’s being watched I presume,” Ewan snarls at my brother.

  “Of course. Morgan’s my sister before she was your fiancée.”

  “Yeah, sorry. It’s just been so damn hard learning that I’ve been out for a month and everything has been out of control.”

  “I get it, man. But you need to get better before we start dropping fuckers. And you two need to get married soon just in case something happens to your ass again.”

  “I’m going to take Crystal to breakfast then back to the house to check on shit. I’ve been dealing with a lot of business matters since you’ve been in a coma. Demi and Ash are running the shop for now but under half the hours.”

  “That’s cool. I appreciate it.” They say their goodbyes, leaving us alone.

  As soon as that door closes, he’s on me, his hands thrust into my hair, and his mouth is on mine. I moan as his tongue slides against my lips. I open for him, letting him in. My hands run up his arms and into his hair. I’m so overwhelmed that he’s alive that I can’t breathe. I pull back and try to catch my breath.

  Chapter 19


  One more week in the hospital did the trick; I’m going home today. All my tests are clear. I had two days of physical therapy in the hospital. Now I’m being turned over to Doc’s care and Morgan’s loving.

  They bring a wheelchair for me which I don’t appreciate because I’m tired of being considered weak, but it’s the hospital policy. Morgan holds my hand while, Beast, Doc, Blade, and Law surround me and help me into the SUV. Rico’s driving, and Blade hops into the front seat. Doc sits in back next to me just in case. They’ve given me painkillers, so I’m not feeling shit at the moment and kind of glad that they wheeled me out. By the time I get in the SUV, I’m spaced out. Morgan holds my hand, and I pull her head to mine for a quick kiss.

  “I love you, Princess. I can’t wait to get you naked in bed and riding me,” I mutter against her lips. She gasps and pulls back. I smile at her and try to drag her back into my arms.

  “Ewan, we’re not alone.”

  “Hey, guys…” Rico starts, but I need to mark my territory.

  “Well, you all weren’t supposed to hear that. Close your ears. I’ve missed my wife.” I pull her necklace from under her blouse. “You need to be wearing your ring, Mrs. McMann.”

  Chapter 20


  Shit, he needs to go to sleep. Thankfully we’re almost to Boomer’s house. It’s where we’re going to stay until he’s back in shape. I can’t believe he just blew our secret.

  “What the fuck is he talking about, Morgan?”

  My eyes dart to the dashboard. I see the screen read Boomer. I give Rico a snarling glare. “I tried to tell you he’s on the Bluetooth,” Rico informs us.

  “What does he mean, little sister?” Boomer growls through the speakers.

  “We got married in Vegas,” I stammer out.

  “When was this?”

  “In the middle of the night after we…”

  “Never fucking mind. You need to learn to start fucking telling the truth. And you fucking Mick are lucky you’re barely hanging on. Get to the house, and we can talk.”

  Ewan is sleeping with a smile on his face, resting his head on my chest. The man is in so much trouble when he sees Boomer. I close my eyes as we make our way to the house and remember the morning before we left. We celebrated our impromptu wedding most thoroughly.

  I enter the chapel ready to walk to the altar arm and arm with my brother Jackson. He leads the way to the love of my life. I gasp when I see what Ewan has on. He’s wearing a kilt. Where was he hiding that? This man is all surprises. I stare at Ewan because he has the sexiest legs. Instantly I wonder if he's gone traditionally commando. I want to lift it up and feel around. I’m glad he’s got that satchel thing in the front because I probably wouldn’t be able to concentrate on anything else. My thighs ache still and yet I want his massive cock in me again. I almost feel terrible that I'm having raunchy thoughts and Jackson standing right beside me. His kilt is dark green with black and red plaid lines. The color of his kilt makes his green eyes shine brighter than ever. He smiles cockily at me, and it adds a sexy look to the whole ensemble. Heavens, I love this man with everything I am. Even without my other brother here, this feels right…absolutely wonderful. “Congratulations. Treat her well, or you’ll have to answer to all of us,” Jackson warns before he hands me over to Ewan and the service begins. Ewan takes my hand, and I have no second thoughts. I want him for the rest of my life.

  “I love you,” he whispers in my ear. The ceremony ends faster than I expected. And now I’m Mrs. Morgan McMann.

  The slowing down of the truck shakes me out of my memory. I wonder how Boomer’s going to take it when he finds out that Jackson came with us. Selfishly, I didn’t tell Boomer because I was afraid he’d stop us or make us wait. When we pull up to the house, I nudge Ewan awake. “Come on sleeping beauty. You need to rest before my brother loses his temper.” Boomer came down the stairs to lend a hand.

  “I’m up, and ready if he’s feeling that pissed. I’m sorry I upset you, Morgan. I didn’t mean to spill the beans. I love you so fucking much,” he says, finishing it with a kiss that steals my breath away.

  “Come on, get out before I get fucking sick,” Boomer orders, holding the door open for me.

  “Sorry,” I reply, hopping out of the backseat. Mick scoots out behind me instead of going the way Doc did. He presses his hand to the small of my back and stands tall in front of my brother.

  “What the fuck! If you even make her cry, I’ll beat your fucking ass.”

  “Boomer, I’d die for her, nothing you could do would stop me from loving and protecting her.”

  “Well…no fucking in my house. Got it. Wait until you go back to your place. The only people getting laid in here is my old lady and me.”

  “Got it,” I cheer, hugging my brother tightly. “Thank you.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me that shit when he was knocked out?”

  “I was afraid he’d forget or even not want me after he learned the truth.”

  “Morgan, I’m not ever letting you go.”

  “Good, let’s get inside before we become sitting ducks.”

  “Are you worried they’ll attack the house,” Ewan asks.

  “No, but you never can be too sure. One of our own betrayed us. Evan had been working with those bastards.

  “Evan? Seriously?” I could see where his mind is going. Evan rushed past us just before the van burst through the gates.

  “Yes. And Evan paid the price when he c
ame after our women.”

  “What?” Shit, another thing he’s just learning.

  “Garrett, can’t we save it for later. Mick needs to be resting not getting freaking pissed,” Crystal urges my brother.

  “I suppose you’re right. Mick’s going to need to get his ass right because a lot is happening, and I can’t have him slacking around. Morgan’s still got to work on opening her shop. She’s going to need support.”

  “Oh yeah, the coffee shop,”

  “You didn’t miss much. I put everything on hold. I didn’t feel in the spirit of starting my future without you.”

  I walk with Ewan up to my bedroom and help him undress to lay down. I grab the hem of his shirt and pull it over his head. He smiles at me with eyes that speak volumes. “Fuck, this is not how I planned on getting naked with you. I ran my hand over his heart where my name rests. The wound and surgical repairs didn’t damage his sign of love for me.

  The door opens, and my brother growls, “What did I just say?”

  “Damn if you think this is sex, brother, you’re doing it wrong.”

  “I’m fucking around; I know you’re not screwing. I wanted to have a word with Mick—alone.” I arch my brow because I don’t trust he won’t fight. “Calm down brat. This conversation isn’t about you two.”

  “Fine. I’m going to get something to drink. I’ll be back.”

  Chapter 21


  I’m standing here with my shirt off with my dick still semi-hard. I was at full staff before he barged in. He doesn’t lower his eyes more than to my scar and tattoo of his sister’s name.

  “How long have you had that tattoo?” he questions, determining how pissed he should be with me.

  “Since that day she went out with that fuck. Demi had just finished it before you walked in,” I admit. It had been more than painful to hear, but I couldn’t let on that my soul was being destroyed that day.

  He shrugs and smirks, running his hand over his face. “I get why you didn’t tell me, but I already had you pegged for it. I knew you were a little too concerned with Morgan. It’s why I told you about her date. She told me she went on it, but that the fuck wasn’t interested in seeing her again. So I’m betting you had something to do with that.”

  “I followed them there and warned his ass if he so much as touched her hand, I’d bury him.”

  “You caused your own problems, you know? You could have just told me that you were in love with my sister. I would have at least stopped her from going out with him in the first place. In fact, I pushed her into it.”

  “You what?”

  “You heard me. When you didn’t act, I figured that you didn’t want Morgan. Then she left, and you didn’t stop her.”

  “I wanted her to have a choice. It wasn’t easy to let her go, but I tried.”

  He smirks at me and shakes his head. After taking a deep breath, he says, “Well, I did too, and she chose you. Mick, you’re my brother. I love you, man. Take care of her for me.”

  “I will. I promise. I’d do anything for Morgan.”

  “I see. You willingly sacrificed your life for hers. There’s nothing else you need to prove. Here. This is for you,” he says, handing me a tri-folded piece of paper.

  “What’s this?”

  “Open it, fucker.” I unfold the paper and fall back to sit on the bed. It’s the deed to the building.

  “Damn, I thought you’d pull the deal from me.”

  “Why? If anything, you need to provide for Morgan. You can’t do that shit if I send you on the street. Besides, I had that prepared the day after you were shot. Even if you hadn’t been in love with my sister or anything. You did something I could never repay you for.”

  “Thanks, bro.” I stand up and give him a manly hug.

  “Remember that you’ve got a treasure. Get some rest. You look like shit.”

  “Fucking thanks.” He walks out of the room, and I fall back onto the bed, laying my head on the pillows. I smile up at the ceiling. All I need now is for Morgan to have my baby and the world will be everything I dreamed it would be. I close my eyes, thinking I’ll rest them until she comes back, but I fall into a deep sleep. When I wake, it’s dark out and Morgan’s nowhere to be found in the room. I’m freaking out, hoping this isn’t some wild dream. The deed is still laying on the nightstand. “It’s not a dream.” I get up and go to the bathroom. I start peeing when I catch the mirror. With her eyes closed, Morgan’s resting in a bath of bubbles.

  “I’m finished, princess.” She opens her eyes with a smile. “Sorry, I didn’t know you were in here.” The sink has a tap touch; I hit it with my elbow, then wash my hands before turning back to my woman.

  “It’s okay. I thought maybe you would want your privacy.”

  “Nothing’s private for us anymore.” I reach my hand in the water and snatch up a palmful of bubbles and blow them at her. Sitting on the edge of the tub, I snake my hand through the water in search of her sweetness. My fingers reach its treasure. I cup her, my thumb rubbing her little clit. “Have you missed this, wife?”

  “Yes,” she squeaks out, flexing her hips up.

  “Shh. Your brother said no sex. I think he’s been generous already.”

  “They went to the club, husband.” With those words, I thrust my fingers into her pussy. She clenches around them, coming instantly. “Yes, Ewan. Yes, Ewan.” She goes to her knees, revealing her breasts. Her hands reach up and cup my face, kissing me with her longing that has on hold for a month. “Don’t ever leave me again.”

  “Never again,” I promise, resting with our foreheads touching. “Are you done?”

  “Yes, I only came in here to relax. But only you can make me this relaxed.”

  “Only and always.” I stand up and grab a towel. My stitches have healed naturally on their own, but the doc wants me to take it easy. Fuck, I’m going have her ride me hard pretty soon. In fact, I think we have to visit my place tomorrow just the two of us to pick up some clothes. The water drips down her body as she steps out of the tub. I’m doing my best to hold myself together. The bubbles slide over her flat stomach down to her mound.

  “I need a shower.”

  “Do you want help?” she asks, her smile twisted into a wicked grin.

  “Nope. I’ve got to keep my hands to myself. Tomorrow we’re going to our house where I plan to fuck you so hard and deep we’ll make our baby.” She bites her lip, then wraps the towel tightly around herself, but the towel doesn’t entirely hide something on her ass that looks eerily like a fucking tattoo.

  “What’s on your ass?” I challenge. She tugs on the towel to keep me from lifting it up, but that’s futile. I pull it away and see what she’s sporting on her ass. I’m doing my best not to come, but I want to spray that motherfucker and really mark my territory.

  “Um…do you like it?”

  “Like it? It depends on who put it there. The answer better be Demi.”

  “Of course it is. Like I’d let another man see me like that.” I bend down behind her and see how perfect it is. “Property of Mick,” like I’ve always pictured. I hold onto her hips and kiss her tattoo. I can tell it’s new, but I’m not sure how long she’s had this on.

  “When did you stamp yourself mine?” I ask, sliding my fingers along her folds; she’s soaked. I have to have her on my tongue. Kneeling on the floor, I tilt my head and slip my tongue into her pussy. She moans, parting her thighs and gripping the bathroom counter. I’m doing my best to control myself and not fuck her right where we are. She tips her ass backward letting me get my entire mouth around her pretty pink cunt. I suck on her clit, and my wife comes undone. She quickly covers her mouth. She rides out her orgasm on my face, giving me all her sweet cream. I stand up and suck on her pulse. “You didn’t answer me,” I whisper.

  “Um…four days ago. I would have done it sooner, but I was afraid that you would have left me being the reason you were shot.”

  “None of this shit was your fault. I swear, I
wish I could have been the one to kill those bastards. Those minions of a massive drug kingpin were after your brother and the Riders. You were a prize to steal. And I protect what’s mine. You’re my prize alone.” I rub my cock along the seam of her ass. After two passes, I nut, spraying all of it over the tattoo. Now it’s time for a quick shower and to bed.

  Chapter 22


  We have men around town looking out for any of the Colombian’s associates, but they’ve ghosted on us. Mick is driving us to his house or rather our house now. I can’t wait. I want my lover to take me. Last night was terrific, but I need to feel his hard, thick cock deep inside, claiming every inch of me and making me come over and over. I do my best to stay calm, but my thighs clench as I feel my panties soak through.

  “Princess, calm down over there. It’s not safe for me to pull over on the side of the road.” I bite my lip, trying to get myself together, but I’m ready to suck him off as he drives. I’ve heard of it, and I could enjoy taking control of my husband, but we’ve already played chicken with life this year. I close my eyes, but all it does in send the vision into my head. His cock is perfect; I remember the way it feels between my lips—smooth yet firm. It glides effortlessly down my throat just like his cum. I want him, and it’s hard to hide. “How wet is my pussy right now?”

  I whip my head toward him and lean my hand over his hard cock, then whisper, “Soaked. I want you, Ewan. I need to have you inside me. Everywhere.”

  He growls and moves my hand. “Fuck, we’re three minutes out, then I’m going to set you on your knees, so you can show me how much you want my cock. I see the way you bite your lips. You want me to fuck your mouth?” I clench my thighs together because I’m flooded already. He slides his hand from its perch on my thigh, lifting my dress up to my vee. I cry out as his fingers strum over my drenched panties. Fuck, I shouldn’t have even worn them.

  “Yes, Ewan. I want you to own me.” I rock my hips around, letting his fingers slip under my panties. He takes over and pumps two fingers into me. Mick has my body ready to come. Then he pulls them away. I gasp and nearly cry. He raises them to his lips and sucks off every drop. He quickly grasps his hand around my neck and tugs me to him, kissing me and letting me taste myself.