Sleep Tight (Best Friend Series Book 3) Page 7
I may have come twice, but I was nowhere finished. I kissed her deeper, hoping to make her come before I did again. Moving my hand to her breast, I pulled on her hardened nipple. They were calling me, I bent down and licked her breast before sucking on the soft flesh, leaving a love bite. Changing sides, I took her nipple in my mouth and sucked until she arched her back and her pussy clenched around my cock. Just like that, my woman was back with me. She pulled on my hair, lifting my face to hers, and kissed me breathless. I started increasing my pace and fucked her until we were both screaming. I fell to the side of her, pulling out of her treasure box. “Thank you, my love,” I whispered, placing kisses on her neck and cheek. She turned slightly and we started kissing which made my dick take notice.
I growled as I pulled away from her lips, making sure to rub my cock on her. She was so damn tempting. I wanted her again, but we needed to sleep. We were picking up Roger by seven, which meant we had to shower and be out the door by six at the latest.
I tucked her into my arms and we fell into a deep sleep.
Chapter 8
The next morning, I took a shower downstairs and let Dexter out in the back. “When we get home, I’ll take you for a walk,” I told him. He was a really smart dog and wagged his tail before going to his dog bowl. I went upstairs to check on her and she was brushing her long blonde hair. It fascinated me, so I leaned against the door and watched.
“Stop it,” she said, looking at me through the mirror.
“You make me nervous.”
“Really? I thought you’d be over that,” I said, moving in behind her and wrapping my arms around her waist. Looking at us in the mirror, I saw a perfect couple. She was beautiful and all mine. I was going to tell her the truth tonight.
We got into the car about ten minutes later. The trip to the airport was going to take almost an hour. I dreaded it, but it had to be done. “Roger is your PR person? He hasn’t had much to do in the past five years, has he?”
“Ha, I suppose you could say that, but he handles all the background information, like the promotional copies that are sent out to reviewers. Of course, he knows which reviewers to go with. Overall, he’s been good to me. In fact, he was trying to get me to come out of hiding before he found out the lunatic broke out of the institution.”
“I would have been one of those adoring fans that would have wanted to ask you a million and one questions.”
“And for you, I would have answered them all,” I said with a naughty grin. For her, I would do anything. She was the one I wanted to keep beside me forever.
“Really? Like what is your favorite book?”
“Easy, Stephen King’s novella Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption.”
“I never read it. I only saw the movie and I loved it. Then again, most of his books make for excellent movies.”
“You’re right. There are so many good ones.”
“So enough about Mr. King. I want to know more about Mr. Kraven.”
“Are you a reporter now?”
“No. I’m just a girl trying to figure what I’m signing up for.”
“It’s a little too late for that. You’re fully invested now. What do you want to know?”
“I know we like the same pizza, but what else do you like to eat?”
“Steak and potatoes.”
“Any particular way or are you going to leave me guessing?”
“Guessing. We’re here.” I directed my head to the sign. I needed to focus on where to go. I’d only been here once and this place could be tricky to navigate. Cars were everywhere.
I pulled into the pickup area and there he was waiting impatiently. He arched his brow, looking at Lynne. I snarled at him. “Stop gawking and get in the back.”
“I’m sorry, I wasn’t gawking,” he replied, hopping into the back seat.
“I don’t care. She’s mine.”
“Sorry, I’m Lynne,” she said, reaching back to shake his hand.
“She’s going to be Mrs. Kraven.”
“Well, then, congratulations. I didn’t know you started dating…” he said curiously. That was because I didn't date and he knew that.
"I'm a recent girlfriend." Since I hadn't told her the truth, she took his questioning expression the wrong way.
"Now that you’ve met, let’s go over what I’m supposed to do.”
“It’s going to be straight forward. I gave them some questions they could ask and leeway for one of their own.”
“I don’t know if that was a smart move. What would they ask?”
“They know you’ve just been through a traumatic experience. They’ve been informed about the attack and the hostage situation in Orland was your sister. They’re not the hard-going reporters. Really, people just want to know where you’ve been and why. You should be able to answer that.”
“I guess I can.”
“You’re going to be wonderful, Pearce.”
“Thanks, love.”
“I need some coffee. Hopefully they have some there,” Roger said.
The interview went smoothly earlier. People were just curious about my whereabouts. That’s all. It ended up with a bunch of laughs and gentle questioning. I was so ready to go back to the house and be alone with Lynne, but that wasn’t going to happen. She called her parents and told them that she was dating someone. She didn’t tell them who because she said they would meet me in a little while.
Roger was going to his hotel and catch up on a nap before meeting us later at my parents. Erin was going to be coming home this afternoon. I dropped him off and drove to her parents. My nerves were going nuts. This morning’s interview was nothing compared to the thought of meeting her parents.
“Mom, Dad, we’re here,” she said, walking in the front door.
“Lynne,” her mother called out, hugging her tightly. “I’m so glad you weren’t hurt. How is…” she gasped when she saw me standing behind Lynne.
“Oh my, he’s handsome.”
“Mother, this is Pearce Kraven.”
“Hello, Pearce. Where have I heard your name before?”
“I write books.” I offered up, trying to see if Lynne talked about my books before. Something told me she did. The expression on her mom’s face changed brightly.
“Oh. She has all your books.”
“Where’s Dad?”
“In the garage. He’s trying to fix my car.”
“What’s wrong with it?”
“A hose broke and he’s repairing it. It’s so wonderful to have a handyman as a husband.”
“Sorry, Lynne. You’re out of luck on that one. I save my hands for fixing first drafts.”
“Oh no…that’s a deal breaker. Let me show you to the door, Pearce,” she joked, pretending to shove me toward the door. She thought she was getting rid of me. She had another thing coming.
“If that’s the case, I better get outside to help your dad and learn something.”
“Oh, no. Let’s leave the fixing things to him. That’s all I need is you two bonding. The man is a special kind of breed.”
“Just ignore her. Go back there and introduce yourself. We’re going to set up lunch.” I kissed Lynne on the lips, tenderly but not too deep. Don’t want her mother thinking I was disrespectful.
I walked through their small bungalow to the back and off to the detached garage in the back.
"So, you must be the boy trying to knock my daughter up," he said, coming from around the car. I didn't know how to respond to that. What should I say? Trying implies a possible failure. There was no try, only do.
"I'm going to marry your daughter and knock her up."
"Oh really? How you going to do that delivering pizzas?" The humor in his voice was gone.
Fuck no, he thought I was Thompson. Damn, how I hate that kid.
“I don’t deliver pizzas and I’m not that little shit Ellis.”
“Well, then, who the fuck are you and can you fix a car
“I’m Pearce Kraven and I haven’t a clue how to do anything other than drive a car.”
“The author?”
“Nice books. What are you doing with my daughter?”
“I thought I answered that one already?”
“You were serious,” he said, arching is brow at me like he didn’t comprehend my decision. Most men wouldn’t act as rash with such conviction, but I lived a life that I thought was full until she walked through that door. There was no way I could give her up.
“I always am.”
“I’m going to need a penguin suit in like two years?”
“No, you’re going to need one in a few weeks,” I informed him.
“You’ve got to be out of your mind. As of two days ago she was talking to that other kid.” I growled at that comment. Why did everyone have to bring him up?
“I’m not out of my mind. I know what I want and I want Lynne,” I replied with tough honesty.
“Then I’d say you’re out of your mind. You both are young.”
“And we both could have died yesterday,” I reminded him. Life was too short to wait. My life had been at the hands of that nut two times in my short existence. There was no way I’d stop doing what I pleased to satisfy anyone else but Lynne.
“What do you mean? You were there at the house?”
“I was the reason that nut came after my sister.”
“Sister? Erin’s your sister?”
“Yes. Our parents married six years ago.”
“So, Lynne and you have met before?” He seemed to relax at the idea that we might have met before, but he was in for a surprise.
“No. I’ve been keeping my identity a secret because of that person that shot my sister.”
“Wow. How do I know my little girl will be safe with you?” It was a valid question, but I had an answer for it.
“Because I’d give my life for her.”
“Good answer, my boy. Make sure it stays that way,” he tapped my shoulder.
“It will.”
We started to tinker with the car. Well he did, and I watched. I thought about the fact that they were going to want her to stay there, but that was out of the question for me. She was eighteen and didn’t need their permission, so it wasn’t something we couldn’t do, but I had to set the tone for the future. I was her protector now and there was no way that I was going to be parted from her.
“Mr. Davies, I want you to know that I don’t plan to let Lynne leave my side.”
“Are you trying to say that you plan to lock her away in your castle?” he teased.
“No. What I’m saying is that she’s going to be coming to stay with me. I don’t want her away from me. The worry that something would happen to her would be unbearable.”
He dried his hands off on the towel. “Son, I get it. You’re afraid something is going to happen to her because you’re not with her, but it more than likely won’t. We’ve managed to keep her alive this long. But if you promise to have her visit us every other day, then I guess that would be fine. She’s an adult now, so there isn’t much I can say.”
“Just want you to understand that I wouldn’t do anything to hurt her. She’s never going to want for anything, including affection,” I promised.
“Good boy,” he remarked, clapping my back with his greasy hands then returned to working on the car.
Lynne came walking out of the house biting her lip nervously. “Mom said lunch is ready.”
“Good. We need to walk Dexter soon,” I said.
“Oh, yes. How could I forget about him?” Truthfully, I almost forgot about him, too.
“You have a dog?”
“Yeah, a Saint Bernard.”
“Well let’s get in and eat because that would be a really big piss puddle when you get back.”
We took too long to get back to the house. Dexter left a puddle the size of Lake Michigan. Lynne helped me clean it up, but she didn’t have to. “You’re going to argue about help? Just wait until it’s a baby diaper, then I’ll let you manage on your own.”
“I can handle the pee ones. The others, you’ll have to deal with those.”
“We’ll see.” I loved the idea of talking about babies. We didn’t have plans to start one, but I didn’t bother with protection. The thought of something between us didn’t appeal to me at all. I loved her so much. It was strange that within a day I knew I was in love and the thought of being away from her was unbearable.
After cleaning up the mess, we called the hospital. They decided to keep Erin another night. She had a slight fever and they were being cautious. I pulled Lynne into my arms for a kiss.
Chapter 9
I loved Pearce without a doubt, so letting him see my work terrified me. This morning I woke up and realized that I needed to get my ass working. I had a pre-order out and due next month. I had to get to work on it today. The actual experience we shared elevated every dirty thought I could write. Visions of Pearce as the hero in my story filled my head, pulling the heroine into his arms and tossing her onto the bed before pouncing on her with the look of hunger Pearce gives me. I moan as I make notes on my phone. I use my phone so he wouldn't see me with my notebook. I would be so mortified if he did. I know that his feelings for me were immediate, but I was crushing way longer.
It was nuts how fast this was moving. Yesterday had been interesting. I waited in the back with Roger as my handsome Pearce spoke to the reporters. I hated that he had to make himself public when he didn't want to, but he told me it was for the best. He still wasn't going to do any signings, but at least people knew he was legit and he'd been private for a reason. At least they had fun while talking. They first discussed the harsh reality of what happened this week. Then they got into his stories that was one of the reporter’s favorites.
My story was going to be the best yet. I actually had some experience with sex now. And for the first time, I knew what it felt like to be loved deeply by someone special. I heard the shower go off, so I tossed my phone onto the nightstand after closing the app.
Climbing off the bed, I began to really examine all his notes. I saw the pad of sticky notes and a pen. I started writing my own notes to my sexy author, lover, and dream.
Before he got out, I slipped back under the covers. He looked at me suspiciously. "What are you up to, beautiful?" He looked so delicious. His dark hair was towel dried and sticking up. I wanted to clutch onto it while I rode his face. The man was made to perfection. He only had on a pair of heather grey joggers. His cock tented nicely against the fabric. I wet my lips, eyeing his body.
"Nothing, just not ready to get up yet,” I said sultrily, batting my eyelashes coquettishly.
"Good because I plan to keep you in bed for at least the next two hours. I let Dexter out while you were in the shower so he's good for the time being." I smiled at him. There was no helping it. He gave me that look that sent my body shivering with excitement.
“You know if you were going to hide under the covers, you could have taken off all your clothes.”
“I thought you’d have fun taking them off of me.”
“Great idea,” he growled, pulling the blanket off of me and pouncing onto the bed covering my body with his. “Mine, pretty little Lynne.” He nipped at my neck, making hungry sounds as he bit and licked. Skimming his nose down my t-shirt, he pushed the hem up to get a mouth full of my breast. He swiped his tongue against my hard and sensitive nipple before pursing his lips and blowing onto it. I arched my back, moaning out my satisfaction. I was putty in his hands. I came on command, better yet on his touch. His strong fingers grazed my skin as he worked my clothes off of me. I tingled from the sensation. I wanted more, but he seemed in the mood to torment me. His mouth followed his hands, marking my skin like he was claiming territory.
“Marking your territory?” I asked.
“Yes,” he responded, licking my slit. My eyes crossed when he hit that sweet spot. W
ithout warning, my body was dancing with an orgasm so intense I cried out and demanded more.
“I’ll give you more.” And like that, he pulled his joggers down just enough to thrust inside me completely. I gasped with his fullness. Pearce was so large that I don’t know if I’ll ever get used to his entry.
Slowly, he rocked into me. I used my heels to push down his joggers. We removed them without having to be separated. He rolled us over with me on top. My hair fell around our faces and in that shroud the smile on his face melted my heart. I belonged to him without a doubt and I knew that I wanted to wake up to that face every day.
“I love you,” I uttered, lost in the moment but meaning every word. His eyes widened and I feared that I spoke those words too soon, so I stopped my movements.
“Don’t stop,” he said through gritted teeth. He gripped my hips and thrusted hard up into me. Pumping until he roared, coming inside of me. The look on his face was full of a new emotion. It wasn’t a bad one, but it was a new one.
He flipped us back over, refusing to separate us. Pearce ran the back of his hand down my cheek and confessed, “Those words were music to my ears. I love you, Lynne. I know it’s soon, but we’re not promised a tomorrow and I want to make the most of it with you. Damn, you have no clue what you do to me.” He started thrusting and that was when I felt that he was still hard.
We rolled around in the bed, fucking every which way we could. After two more orgasms a piece, we collapsed in a sweaty bliss. Catching our breaths, he huffed out, “I never add a hint of romance to my stories. Yes, there’s loving couples that die in there, but the main characters never have a hot marriage. I think it’s time I did.”
“Sounds delicious. I know I would enjoy reading it,” I yawned, my energy depleted.
“Lynne, there’s something I need to tell you,” he uttered. I got nervous by the tone in his voice. It wasn’t something he wanted to tell me, which meant it had to be bad. “Don’t look scared. It’s nothing terrible, but I feel like I shouldn’t keep secrets from you.”