Mick Page 9
“Fuck him,” he says leaning forward.
“She does.” He spins around to look at me. He’s larger like Boomer and Beast, but I don’t give a fuck. I’m crazy as fuck, especially when it comes to my wife. “Now if you didn’t hear her correctly, I can show you what I do to jackasses who even look at my woman.”
“I’ll mop the floor with you.” People who are sitting nearby move because they already know me. The whole fucking town knows me. I don’t have my patch on, so he doesn’t know what everyone else does. You don’t fuck with the Steele Riders or their wives.
I pretend to punch at him, so he’ll react. He does precisely that and lowers his shoulder, allowing me to grip the back of his neck. I slam his fucking head into the counter so fast he doesn’t get an opportunity to get out of my hold. He’s got a muscled-out neck, but I’ve been working with my hands for almost two decades. I have the strength to tighten my grip. What a fucking idiot. I knee him in the face and drag his ass out of Morgan’s coffee shop.
“Dude, you fucked up. I’m going to call the cops.”
“Good, every place in this town is under surveillance. I have you on tape harassing my wife. Don’t fucking come back here again.”
Damn it; I’m pissed. Can’t have a beautiful Saturday in town anymore. This place is a mini city these days, and some of the fuckers don’t have manners. I go back in, and my wife is shaking her head and cleaning the table I threw him into. I growl to myself because she looks hot as fuck bent slightly over with baby number five growing round in her belly. I walk up to her and take the cloth. “Hey, princess, I tried not to cause a scene.”
“Shit, Mick, your wife is lucky to have someone protecting her like that,” Mrs. Jones chimes in from two tables over. The little old lady is best friends with Wrench’s mother, and I’m sure in an hour the whole town will be talking about it.
“She’s right. I am lucky,” Morgan says with her voice sweeter than cupcakes. I could do her right here on the spot. I’m so damn hard.
“I’m the lucky one. Tell your employees you’re leaving. Connor’s going to stay with Uncle Garrett where the rest of the kids already are.” I need be alone with my woman for the next three hours. I’m going to remind her that I’m crazy for her and no one else can steal her from me.
Twenty years of passion
“Connor, Diana, come on. We’re going to be late,” I call up the stairs. Connor’s home for the weekend just for this occasion. I’m so nervous—more nervous than I was the first time. Ian, Declan, and Michael are already at the church with their father. His parents are there waiting impatiently for this moment.
“Wow, Mom, you look pretty,” Diana says. “Just like a princess.”
“Thank you, sweetheart. You are lovely in your gown.”
“I feel like Belle momma. Do you think I’ll meet Gaston or the Beast?”
“Well, you have a long time for that.”
“According to the time period, I will only have seven more years,” Diana argues.
“Sweetheart, in seven years you still won’t be old enough to date.”
“Well, then no sense falling in love tonight.”
“Dad is going to have his hands filled with that one,” Connor says, coming down the stairs. “I can’t believe Dad is only letting me escort you to the church. You need to be surrounded by armed guards. You are movie star beautiful.”
“Your father is a jealous man. Having all the men in the house when he’s not around never sits well with him.”
“Yeah he is, but he should have sent the Riders to come ride along.”
“He did. They’re outside waiting.” I roll my eyes because the security could never be tight enough. I move the curtains to the side so that he can see. He laughs because they’re on their rides with their tuxes and their patches over them.
“Wow, I’m going to miss this place. I promise to come back as often as I can.”
“I know you will. You’re a good young man, Connor. Now please do me the honor of taking me to your father.” Diana follows behind as Connor leads me to the waiting limo.
We get to the church, and Connor winks, then in steps Boomer to take his place. “I missed this opportunity the first time. I’m not missing it again.” My brother kisses my cheek, and the music begins.
The doors open and there he is. The man of my existence, my reason for all the joy in the past twenty years. He’s wearing a dark green blazer with a white shirt, matching green bowtie, and his dark green kilt with his family colors in the stripes. My eyes immediately go to his pelt in the front. I know he’s gone commando this time because he’s traditional like that.
“Come on, we’re in a church,” Boomer grumbles.
“Hey, I’m sure Crystal’s watching your butt as we walk up the aisle with the same thoughts.”
“Treat her right, or you’ll have to deal with her on your own. She’s crazy. Just a warning,” Boomer says, winking to Ewan as he places my hand in his.
“Thanks for the heads up, but I’ll take my chances.”
I stand there holding the hand of the man who promised me forever and here he wanted to do it all over again. I’m the lucky one.
The End