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Stalk Me Please Page 2
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I blush but don’t respond. Instead, I finish up and wrap a towel around me. I don’t have a clue what’s come over me, but I’m bolder than I’ve ever thought possible. Opening the bathroom door, I maneuver past him and into my closet.
“You’re pushing a fine line,” he mutters, staring at me from just outside the closet door.
“Says the guy who invited himself into my bedroom. Who took me from my job with the promise of a new one but won’t tell me where or what I’m supposed to be doing,” I counter while looking through my clothes, forgetting that I already set them out on the bed.
“You’re going to be my personal assistant.”
I twist my head towards him, then add, “Personal assistant? How personal?” My voice isn’t sweet or even interested. I got hit with a sudden level of jealousy and smallness that held no fun to me. I don’t know why I thought I would be special to this man. Maybe it’s because I’m young and naïve with a massive crush on him. “I’m not going to be your personal whore. Sorry. You can leave right now, Mr. Black.”
“Personal whore? That’s a bit rough. I can’t say that wanting you naked and under me isn’t what I want. And fuck, hearing you come in the shower was music to my ears,” he remarks with a knowing smirk. I guess I was pretty loud. “I’m not going to lie. I want you sprawled out on my desk, on my bed, and every place in between. But I’m not going to pressure you.”
I open and close my mouth, but nothing comes out. I reach around and grab my clothes. He turns around and crosses his arms so that I have a mediocre level of privacy. I like the slight privacy. As hungry as I am for him, this is all new to me.
“What is it that you want me to do?”
“Just get me some coffee or whatever I need you to do while I work.”
“Okay,” I murmur, slipping on the dress I picked out earlier. “Done,” I add before stepping around him in a short black dress with a light grey jacket. I slip on my black heels because I don’t have much to choose from. This is the only professional looking suit thingy I have. I’m not the kind of girl who dresses up and if I have to go to his office, I might as well try to pass as a professional assistant. Tomorrow’s Saturday, so I can go shopping before Monday.
“Did you pack some clothes for the next couple of days?” he asks, scanning my body up and down as if he’s a little disappointed with my clothing choice. Knowing that he’s got a crazy, territorial attitude with me, I’m taking this as a compliment.
“No, I’m sure my shift isn’t twenty-four hours. I plan to come home by seven.”
“If you think I’m letting you come back here with that frat boy with his little pecker eager to get in you, you’re fucking nuts.”
“And you think I’ve just got this disposable income to stay at a hotel?” I throw out. Fuck, the man is being a bit ridiculous.
“I didn’t say shit about a hotel. You’re moving in with me. As my personal assistant, you’ll need to be at my beck and call.” I gasp at his automatic assumption and demand. I can’t say I don’t want it, but damn, I can’t just let him control me…or can I? I think about my past. It’s not a great one. I’ve spent my last three years trying to live a life completely devoid of any contact with my family because words can be forgiven, actions are another story. It’s been a tough struggle to make it at twenty with no one to rely on. Can I trust James Black with my wellbeing? Am I tired of doing this all alone? My heart knows the answer is yes to the core, but the woman in me isn’t ready to concede to all of it.
“Fine, Mr. Black. I’ll move in with you, but it’s just work related.”
“For the time being. I know you’ve got no reason to trust me, but I want you to understand this…I’m in it for the long haul.” I see a bag packed on the floor that I didn’t pack myself. I reach for it, but he stops me and adds, “Better yet, leave this all here. I’ll have Henderson get this taken care of. I have to get to the office.”
“Okay.” I take my purse and he takes my hand, leading me out of my apartment and back into the SUV.
“Give me your keys,” he orders, holding out his hand.
“Here you go,” I say, dropping them in his palm because truthfully, I didn’t want to live there anyway.
“Henderson, I want her things removed from that place tonight. Nothing of hers remains.”
“Yes, sir.” He leans forward and hands the keys over to Henderson then we drive off. I take in his appearance at that moment. He’s fine as hell that’s a given. But he’s more than that. For a man his size, he seems agile. He sits back and catches me staring.
“Hailey, stop looking at me like that. I promised that I’d behave.”
“Sorry, I’m just…”
“Just what?”
“Curious about you,” I say, looking at the way his jaw tightens. His scruff is always sexy to me, but now I’m sitting as close as I’ve ever been to him.
I’m lost in thoughts of feeling his face rub between my thighs when he says, “I’m thirty, live in my own condo above my office, I’ve never been married, and I don’t know how long I’m going to be able to keep my promise.”
I giggle just lightly, but his eyes widen in surprise. “What’s wrong, Mr. Black?”
“That little sound is so damn cute.” His phone buzzes, and he raises a finger to tell me to pause our conversation. “Black,” he answers. “No, I’m on my way. I’ll be there for the meeting. Ms. Scott will be starting today. Do you have everything prepared for her? Good. I’m five minutes out.” He hangs up the phone and apologizes. “Sorry for interrupting. That’s my assistant Nancy.”
“Oh, am I replacing her?” I ask, giving him a scathing look.
“No, you’re not. Besides, she’s my sister-in-law and I’m the only one my brother trusts to work with her.”
“Well, then what do you need me for?” I question him. I can’t help feeling like he just wants me on his desk.
“She’s my admin. I need you to be my personal assistant.”
“I have a feeling you’ve made a fake position for me.”
“There’s nothing fake about a personal assistant. A lot of executives have them.” I hear the bullshit as he says it.
“So, is Nancy too high up on the totem pole to get you coffee?”
“No, but my brother has made that clear it’s not her job. Besides, I like when you make mine.”
“I don’t have the equipment to make it the same way I would there.”
“We’re here,” he interrupts. He gets out then takes my hand, helping me down. I’m not that short, but with the skirt and heels, it sure does help. He puts his hands on my waist and sets me down on my feet, then immediately lets me go.
We enter the building and he looks up slightly, scowling into the camera. “What’s that about?”
“What are you talking about?”
“You just gave the camera a dirty look.”
“Just warning them to keep their eyes where they belong.”
“Wouldn’t they need their eyes on us and the front of the building? Do you do this with all the women you bring in to assist you?”
“I haven’t been with a woman in years. And no woman has been in my building for anything personal except Nancy, but she’s married to my brother Dean.”
“Well, then why are you giving them crazy looks?”
“Because you’re mine. Just because you aren’t ready for it doesn’t mean that it’s not the case.”
“How long am I going to be your assistant?”
“Well, always is what I’m going for.”
“Whatever. Let’s go. I don’t want to be blamed for making you late.”
Chapter 4
We enter my private elevator that goes up to my condo or just outside my office. It’s one of the reasons why I had it built. As a busy man, I want little to no travel, so I made it happen. Once we start having kids, things will have to change. We’ll need a bigger house with a yard and shit. I don’t take her to our place because I really h
ave to get to my meeting. She can spend some time with Nancy, learning what I need and like. Not that I plan on having her do much but looking beautiful. Hailey does make great coffee for me.
“Nancy, this is Hailey. Hailey, meet my ball busting admin Nancy.” She’s only been with me for about six months. I own a multi-billion-dollar freighting company that I started in my first year of college. I got in at the perfect time and run a tight ship. My business does a lot of importing from foreign nations. As the world’s biggest consumers, Americans demand more and cheaper items. I’ve invested my money in small companies and donated to others, but I’ve never outright purchased a business until I met Hailey.
“Hello, Hailey. Now that you’re here, maybe James can get back to work. He’s been really dropping the ball.” Nancy reaches around her desk and grabs her laptop. “Hailey, we have a meeting to go to. You should come with us, so you can see what it’s about.” She arches her brow, looking at me with a smirk. I scowl because my meeting is full of men and she’s challenging me.
“There’s that scowl again. Does he always look ready to commit murder?”
“Well, more so since he met you, but maybe that’ll change soon.” Nancy takes Hailey by the arm, locking arms and leading the way into the conference room. This isn’t going to be good. I breathe in deep. “Come on, boss. You need to get them out of here before they want to stay for lunch.”
“Good idea, Nancy.”
I hurry and get in front of them to hold open the door. I’d do that for Nancy anyway, but I just want to be close to Hailey. Everyone’s eyes are directed toward our entrance. I stiffen immediately as they admire my woman.
Nancy smiles, placing her laptop in her usual spot, then she addresses my finance department, “Gentlemen, thank you for waiting. Mr. Black has just hired is new PA. She’s going to be sitting in with us.” She has a way of taking charge. I know that she’s not going to be doing this forever. My brother wants her to have babies. They’ve only been married for a month. She’s a great assistant and the reason I hired her in the first place.
“Yes, gentlemen, this is Hailey Scott. Now, let us get down to business,” I state, taking a seat and letting both ladies sit on each side of me. They can see the tension rolling off me and know not to push it. Normally it’s business matters that make me edgy but knowing that my future wife is sitting here with a room full of men is a little irritating. Okay, little is a fucking understatement. I’m trying to keep it together.
“Okay, Mr. Black. We were looking at your latest acquisitions and wondered if you would be interested in a restaurant.”
“I’m up to listening to what you have to say. I can’t promise it. The coffee shop was a special purchase.”
“This shouldn’t take much of your time.” They drone on, but I can’t focus. I’m too busy staring at my obsession like I do every day she works. She listens intently, looking on as astutely as Nancy does. I wonder if that’s because she believes that’s what I want, or she’s truly interested in being my assistant. All I know is that until I can control my passionate jealousy, I don’t want her in any more meetings. It’s a tough decision for me. I love looking at her beauty, but all others don’t deserve such a pleasure.
“Thank you. You’ve given me something to consider. I will get back to you on the matter in the next week.”
“Yes, sir,” my CFO says, nodding his head.
“Excuse us,” I address the men then turn my attention to the women, “Ladies, please.” They stand, and I let Nancy lead the way. Hailey follows her, and I cover her backside from their view.
“That was informative.”
“Normally you won’t attend meetings that’s Nancy’s job.” She arches her brow at me. It’s not her job. I can use her in there, but not until she’s got my ring on her finger and my kid in her womb.
“No offense, James but you can be a dick?” Nancy doesn’t mince words. I’m going to regret these two working close together because Hailey isn’t deeply opinionated from what I know, and Nancy is brutal. It’s a wonder how my brother managed to get her to marry him in a week.
“Nancy, yes I am. You should know that by now. If you’ll excuse me, I want to show Hailey around.” I take her hand and walk away from my sister-in-law. I lead her to the kitchen area where I know she’s going to freak out. I wonder if she’s going to think I’m crazy. “This is the main kitchen for the staff.”
“Holy shit, you have the same setup as the coffee shop,” she gasps, covering her mouth with her hands.
“How do you like it?” I ask, pressing my hand against the small of her back. My need to touch her spurs me to take the slightest contact. She spins around and smiles up at me.
“I love it. Damn when you said you wanted me to make you coffee I didn’t quite believe it.”
“I told you I loved the way you made my coffee.”
“It’s not that hard. Really, this is excessive. I don’t use anything but the coffee machine and coffee for the ones I make for you.”
“Yes, but my staff enjoy it as well. Listen, I’ve got a lot of work to do, but you can sit with Nancy until I’m done. I’m sure she’s going to let you know about everything she does for me.”
“Well, then maybe I’ll learn a lot about you personally.”
“Anything you want to learn, I’ll tell you, but ask away, Hailey.” I impulsively placed a kiss on the crown of her head. Then lead her back into the main reception area. I spin her to me, slamming her against my chest because my brother is here, and he is practically doing his wife on the edge of the desk.
“What the fuck, Dean?”
He turns around with a shit-eating grin. “You never said anything before. It’s not like I would let anyone see my wife in the throes of passion.” Hailey turns to face him and gasps.
“You are a twin?”
“Yes,” I grumble, knowing that she’s physically attracted to me is good, but that means she could be attracted to my brother as well. I’ve never felt so damn jealous.
“I don’t like that they look alike,” she mutters to herself. I don’t think she meant to say that aloud.
I look down at her, but then my brother says, “I have to agree with you as well.” We both direct our attention to him when he adds, “I’m a territorial man, but I don’t trust anyone as much as my brother. More now than ever since he met you.” He winks at Hailey, then says, “I’m taking my wife to lunch. We’ll be back in an hour.”
“Take your time.”
“You have a meeting in an hour.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” I remark, shooing them onto the elevator.
“Let me feed you and then we can talk about anything you want.”
Chapter 5
I can’t even understand why I’m here other than for James to stare at me half the day. We sat in his office having lunch. It was mostly a working one. He had calls and emails to deal with. It’s good because I gave me the excuse to evade his questions about my family. It’s hard to admit that my mother didn’t love me enough to protect me from her husband’s plans to prostitute me. God, I’m so glad I ran away just in time.
Since I’m sitting next to him, he tried to avoid the calls, but I shook my head and forced him to answer. As much as he wants me by his side while he works, it would be more beneficial if he actually got work done.
During the first call, I tried to walk out because they were talking actual dollars and cents and I didn’t want to intrude, but he grabbed my hand and tugged me back onto the chair, shaking his head while still talking to the man on the other end. As soon as he hung up, he tells me with a serious frown, “If you try to ditch me because I’m on the phone, I won’t take calls while you’re in here.”
“I thought you needed your privacy,” I remarked.
“No. Nothing of my life is private to you,” he added with a wink. I smiled at him and the rest of the afternoon I enjoyed his company and handled a few simple filing tasks while he worked his tail off.
“Now that we’re done, are you ready to go see the condo?” he asks, closing his laptop on his desk. We worked until seven because Nancy got sick while they were out to lunch, and Dean said he was keeping her home. Nancy’s a beautiful woman and seeing her with Dean made it hard to watch. It’s like seeing James with someone and I hated it. It’s a silly feeling to have, but it’s not something I want to see again.
“Sure,” I say, stacking the last section that I knew I couldn’t finish filing right now on top of the cabinet.
“Let’s go because I know we both could use some time to relax.” I nod because my feet hurt. He takes my hand then leads me to his special elevator after locking up his office. As soon as we were in there it was a fast trip up to his condo.
The doors open up to reveal a walkway ending with a large double wooden door. It’s beautiful and then he slips his key into the lock and turns it to reveal a condo beyond anything I expected. It’s huge and perfect. I can’t believe this is where he lives. I’ve never seen anything like this unless it was on television.
“This place is amazing.”
“Thanks, Hailey. Come inside, I promise I won’t trap you in here forever.” He takes my hand and walks me to the bedroom area. “Rest, I’m going to run a bath for you.”
“A bath?”
“Yes, a bath. Do you think I didn’t notice your feet hurt? You’ve been trying to avoid walking on them as much as possible. I should have made you take them off, but I’m sure that you were going to tell me you were fine.”
“You’re right. I’ve been wearing these things all day, but I still wouldn’t have taken them off in front of you. I will take your offer for a bath. Where’s my bag?”
“Over there. Henderson brought it up after parking the SUV,” he says, pointing next to the closet. I arch my brow because there’s the bag that I didn’t pack. I open it and it’s all my underwear and bras. Hell no, he packed them himself. This man is crazy. I love it. I grab some underwear, then dig for some comfortable shorts and top. I’m so tired that I just want to sleep, but I hear the water flowing and I just want to relax inside it.