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Page 2
“Man, I’ll do what the fuck I please. I’m not going to let some old biker low-life tell me what to do.”
I inch closer, standing over him with a deadly glare. “Boy, you’re a fool. I’ll be watching, and if you tell Morgan I’m here, I’ll tell her brothers what you just said. I’m letting you slide on that, but they won’t.” I step outside before Morgan gets out of the bathroom.
As soon as they’re out of sight, I buy my ticket for the same movie.
“Hey, what brings you here?” Sammie asks. She’s the manager of the theater now and happens to be Doc’s little sister. He’s one of the members and a doctor who also runs his own practice here in town. He served with Boomer in the Special Forces.
I nod toward the candy counter. She follows my gaze and understands instantly. “Ah. Well, I’ll let you enjoy. Just don’t cause a scene. Okay?” She hugs me and shakes her head.
“Sure thing.” I wink at her then duck out of sight. While they are at the candy counter, I sneak inside, so she doesn’t see me.
The theater fills up pretty quick, but I hide in the very back, taking off my vest, so she doesn’t see it by chance. I watch them the entire time. My eyes train on the back of their heads. Several times I see him turn and look my way. When his gaze finds mine, my expression is as cold as it gets. They don’t touch during the movie, and neither of them attempts to get close.
I wait for them to leave the theater first before I exit. Keeping my distance, I spy them getting into his truck. I don’t follow close behind because I know where they’re going. The bonfire isn’t too far from the clubhouse. I drive that way, but instead, I see them turn in the opposite direction, straight toward her apartment. “What the fuck? She better not let him inside,” I snarl to myself. The entire way there I’m growling and thinking of ways to dispose of this fucker. I can’t see if he’s holding her hand unless I get closer to his vehicle. My imagination runs fucking wild, and that’s not safe for any of us.
He pulls up to the curb outside her apartment building. They share a brief conversation; then she gets out. There are no goodbye kisses. Thank fuck for that. He drops her off, barely waiting for her to get inside the apartment entrance before he drives away. Asshole. As much as I didn’t want him to touch her, I didn’t appreciate him being a dick to her.
I wait until I’m sure she’s in bed, then ride around for an hour, trying to clear my head. I check in on her again to make sure he didn’t return. He didn’t.
I ride to our house just a mile from the tattoo shop and remind myself that she’s got some living and growing up to do. While she does that, I have to have all my damn ducks in order.
Chapter 2
It’s been a week since I’ve arrived at school. It’s been two weeks since I went on that terrible date with Daniel. I can’t believe he told me that it was a mistake to take me out. Not that it mattered anyway because I love someone else. I have since the first time I saw him. He doesn’t notice me though. I’m only the sister of the president of the Steele Riders. I’m in love with Ewan “Mick” McMann. We met officially two years ago, but I wasn’t even close to legal then. And even though I’m technically an adult now, he treats me like he’s supposed to…like a little sister.
I hate him. I hate Mick. It's not his fault that I'm in love with him, but it sucks so much that I’ve decided to do my best to hate him. It’s easier that way, or so I force myself to believe that. I’ve been trying to get over him since my birthday party. How is it possible to fall in love with someone with one look? Foolishly, I believed that he was attracted to me, but it’s obvious he’s just taking care of me on Boomer’s behalf.
I graduated and was fair game months ago, but he did nothing. In fact, he missed my going away party. Boomer threw a big party for me at the clubhouse with Sammie and Roxie there to celebrate with me along with all the members and prospects of the Steele Riders. Mick was the only no-show. How fucking lousy is that? The one person I wanted to see, couldn’t be bothered to show. He flew to Ireland to visit his parents. They moved back a few years ago, and I would love to have had a good bond with my parents, but that time had long since passed and I could never go back. I miss him so much that school doesn’t entice me one bit.
I’m sitting in the vast campus library where the two-dozen people in here seem to be studying hard, but I can’t concentrate for the life of me. I have my first quiz coming Monday, but I can’t think. I went to the library hoping that it would force me to read the chapters without thoughts of Mick, but I’ve got no such luck. I can’t even say how many times I’ve read the same paragraph. And for all the gold in the world, I can’t remember what it’s about. I slam the book closed a little louder than I should, catching a couple of glances of derision my way. My bitchy ass wants to flip them off, but I smile weakly and shrug apologetically. It’s my fault after all.
This week has sucked ass. My classes were a little boring, but that’s because the first days of classes we’re all “Hi my name is, and I’m from…” The second day went straight into the coursework. My brothers both called me to see how it’s going. Jackson has called me twice a day. He seems genuinely concerned for me. Not that Boomer isn’t, but Jackson’s worried about my loneliness. I think he knows I have feelings for Ewan.
I quietly pack up and walk out of the library. It's almost closing time, and my dorm is on the other side of campus, so I need to move my ass. The street lights are the only thing keeping the area lit. All around I see shadowed darkness, and immediately, I feel like it's a bad idea. But I'm too late to make a call for a taxi.
Some movement to my side turns my gaze that way, but it’s the person that comes behind me that is the real trouble. Dread coursed through me as I feel the knife at my throat. "You better cooperate, bitch or you're a dead cunt,” some guy snarls in my ear. I could feel his breath on me, and I shiver from the instant disgust. I can’t go down like this. What was I thinking of coming here? Why didn’t I listen to my brother?
I hold back the urge to cry because I won’t give them the satisfaction. I don’t know what they want, but I sure as fuck can guess. I can either pray they don’t kill me or I can go out fighting. I need a moment to try to break free, but then I'm surrounded. They dragged me into an alley, and I know that nothing good is going to come of this. My heart is pounding out of my chest, wishing that I hadn't come here in the first place. I'm going to die in the middle of an alley more than likely raped first.
Helplessly, tears well up in my eyes as I resign myself to my fate. Out of nowhere, a small woman rushes into the alley. She grabs the guy who has me and starts making some moves that I've never seen before. He lets me go, dropping the large knife. That's when I go after the other guy; I knee him in the nuts. He bowls over, and I kick him harder this time. I run and pick up the knife, ready to stab anyone who comes near me. My gaze focuses on my rescuer, and she has the one guy on the ground, kicking him in the ribs. With one more kick, the guy is entirely laid out.
While both guys are stunned, we make our way out the alley. We run to somewhere safe. It takes forever to get to the main street or at least it feels that way. Once we get inside a restaurant, she calls the cops. She’s my hero, and I don't even know her name.
“Thank you,” I sob.
“It's okay. It's going to be okay,” she comforts me, holding my hand and rubbing it with her other hand. “I'm Crystal, you are?” We’re standing inside a small café waiting for the cops. She gets me a cappuccino to go. The cops take us down to the campus police station while a few officers patrol the area for the men.
“My name is Morgan,” I squeak out. I'm shaking as the police question us.
“There were two Hispanic men. Both were average height and size. One was bald, and the other had short black hair. Neither had facial hair, but one had tear drops under his eye.” I’m so grateful that she gives them a description of the suspects because I’m shaken to the core, and I can’t think straight.
There's a s
light cut on my neck. Nothing most would notice, but I know my brother Boomer and Mick would be able to tell something was wrong. I can’t tell them. I’ve gotten lucky, and I’m going to keep this to myself.
“Ma'am, do you have someone who can pick you up?” the officer asks me after we finish the questioning. I just want to go to sleep.
“No, all of my family lives out of town.” I think about Mick again. He’s the first one to come to my mind. He’d kill them in a heartbeat because no one messes with one of the Steele Riders.
“It’s okay. I’m going to take care of you.” Crystal rubs my back, and I can’t believe how amazingly kind she is. She saved me. If it weren’t for her, I’d more than likely be dead.
She takes me back to her apartment. “I have a roommate. He’s not home right now, but he’ll be home soon. I should go back to Steeleville.”
“Are you going to tell your family?”
I blanch at the thought of them finding out. “I have two brothers, and I’m sure as hell not going to say anything to them. My brother Boomer especially. He’s a fucking nut when it comes to my safety.”
We talk about her family who’s everything my family hadn’t been. We lost our parents, and my brothers raised me. I don’t tell her that my brother’s the leader of a motorcycle club. I don’t want to freak her out or make her think this is some sort of retaliation or something. I know it’s not because my brothers and the rest of the Steele Riders are on the up and up. Most of them are former Special Forces. I invite her to visit. “Okay, well if you want, I could visit. I don’t start my job for a couple of weeks. I can come back with you. I could stand to use a vacation in a small town. This place can be too much at times.” She has a smile on her face that doesn’t reach her eyes, then she adds, “Hell, I’m just worried about you.”
“I’m going to be okay. You have to promise me you won’t tell my brothers,” I harp.
“I won’t. It’s your business. I’ll leave it for you to tell your brothers.” I hug her tight one last time before she packs a bag to come with me.
Chapter 3
I can’t believe she dropped out. Fuck yes. I know that her brothers are disappointed, but I’m not. I gave her a chance to bloom like the pretty flower she is, but sometimes you have to take what opportunities you’re given.
Leaving her to visit my parents had been intentional. I could have gone the moment she left, but I was afraid I’d stop her. It’s like fate stepped up and gave me a break. My parents tried to set me up with several “pretty” Irish girls, but no one has my heart but Morgan. Finally, I admitted that I was in love. They can’t wait for the call to return for the wedding. They handed down some of my family heirlooms to give to Morgan. One was my grandmother’s ring. It had been a treasure that had been passed down to me from my mother’s side.
Boomer’s in the shop getting another tat. He’s got a little stress to kick off with Morgan quitting after a week. He’s worried because she has a new friend hanging around. Plus, Morgan’s treating him like she treats me—acting like a stubborn brat. I know she’s doing it to me because she wants me, and I’ve been holding back. With Boomer, it’s got to be something else. I haven’t seen her, but I can’t wait.
Two minutes after that thought, I get my first glimpse. I taper down my excitement to see Morgan when I take in what she’s got on. This friend of hers is unquestionably a bad influence in my eyes. She every man’s fantasy, except she’s stumbling. Hell no. She’s drunk. I want to her take over my knee. I follow Boomer out into the waiting area, and she narrows her eyes at me like I did something wrong. Immediately, I see a mark on her neck. Fuck, she’s that drunk that she hurt herself? I want to get closer, but Boomer is all over the both of them.
Then I see something happen. Boomer’s focused solely on the other woman. I barely notice she has dark hair. All that matters to me is Morgan. She stares at me again, and I see the heartache. Boomer is arguing with both of them, but his focus is on the girl. I think they said her name is Crystal. I’m too focused on my woman who is about to be sick as she pages through one of my tattoo books. I step in her direction. Before I can get to her, Morgan lets us know she’s wasted as she pukes all over it. Boomer helps her up and to the back bathroom while I get some towels to clean her up. I can’t let her do this to herself. I feel like it’s my fault. I don’t give two fucks about the book. I see the way she stares at me. There’s no doubt in my mind or heart. I’m a total prick for not making things the way they should be. I just need a little more time.
“Lass, what am I going to do with you?” I tease her, hoping to get her to relax.
With her hands bracing herself on the sink, she gives me a deadly glare. I don’t know what’s wrong with her, but I know for sure she’s pissed at me. “Oh my God, I’m such a mess. I hate you, Ewan.” She swipes away my hands as I try to help her. Then she tends to herself. I’m doing my best to control the need to fix her problems. I know that she’s going to be in for a hell of a hangover.
I want to talk to her but right now is utterly pointless. Boomer tells me he’s taking them home and well, I’ve got no choice, but to let them go. I lock up my shop hoping that I’ll get to talk to her.
The next day, I stop by her apartment, but her friend says she’s passed out. “I just need to check on her.”
“She’s hurting, Mick. Something about you has her messed up. If I were you, I would fix it before it’s too late.” She pats my shoulder, and I see kindness in her that’s genuine. I got the wrong impression from Boomer.
“You wouldn’t happen to know what I did wrong, do you?” I ask. Maybe it’s something else. I wonder if she told her that she feels something for me.
She shrugs and shakes her head. “No, all I know is that she wanted to curse you out.”
“Okay, thanks,” I say, walking into her bedroom. I open the door to find a curled-up Morgan cradling her pillow. Kicking off my shoes, I take off my cut and climb into bed beside her. She startles just long enough for me to whisper, “Rest, my princess.”
“Ewan,” she moans, relaxing against my chest. Her ass presses up onto my crotch, and I have to hold back because I know she’s hurting terribly. I lay there for about three hours when I get a message that I need to get to the shop. They are getting bombarded with customers.
“I love you, Morgan,” I whisper, placing a kiss on her shoulder, then scooting away.
Chapter 4
It’s time for the clubhouse party a week later, and I’m anxious to see Mick. I haven’t seen him more than in passing with everyone around. Crystal told me that he stopped by after my big messy, drunken disaster. I thought it had been just a dream. I can’t believe he came to see me. I probably was a total smelly mess. He probably came by to chew me out for destroying his hard work, but I was too sick for him to yell at.
“Morgan, I can’t go. I’m so pissed that he would do this to me.” Crystal’s gate-crashing the party because my dickhead brother pulled a dumb move and not tell her about the pre-planned party. She’s hurt, but I know Boomer wouldn’t do anything intentionally to hurt her.
“I know my brother. There’s got to be a reason. I’m sure it’s because he doesn’t want any of the guys to steal you away. He’s a bit crazy when it comes to you.”
“How are you hanging in there? Are you sure you want to see him?”
“I’m not worried about my brother,” I toss out as we get ready.
She stops in front of me, grabs my shoulders, and glares at me with all seriousness. “You know I’m not talking about him.” She’s become such a good friend in a short time that I’m afraid things won’t work out between her and my brother. Especially if my brother keeps making boneheaded moves.
“I’m afraid he’ll meet one of the bitches that show up.” I hate the feeling that he’ll find someone. It hits me every time another woman comes around.
“Tons of other women will be there?” she asks me.
I shake my head as I check over my appearance. “Not really, but it helps to have a little mixed company. The guys wouldn’t need a party if it were just them. It would be just a regular gathering. They don’t hook up in the clubhouse. It’s strictly forbidden.”
“Well, that’s one bonus, but he still lied to me.”
“Good, gut check his ass and walk around like a hot sexy chick you are in front of his friends. He’ll lose his shit. It’ll be a perfect lesson learned.”
“Well let’s do this.” I’m not ready, but I use Crystal as my reason to get in and see Mick. I can go even if Boomer doesn’t like me being around his guys like that, but it’s a party. And I’ve learned my lesson with drinking. I’m not touching that shit again.
Once we pull up, there’s no turning back. It’s cool because I want Mick to react as well. I need him, and if he came to see me, it has to be more than just a brotherly bond. I know it. I’ve got on a killer mini-skirt with an off the shoulder green top. I know that my brother is going to go apeshit on me, but Crystal’s going to distract him.
"You know he's going to be pissed when he sees what you're wearing,” he says, tilting his head toward my revealing outfit.
"My brother is overprotective, Beast,” I complain, flipping my hair to the side.
"Yeah him, too," he mutters, stepping aside to let us pass. Boss gives her a once over, appreciating her curves. I’m sure my plan is absolutely going to work now. Boomer is going to lose his shit.
I smirk then make introductions. "This is my friend, Crystal. Crystal, this is Beast and Boss." They both smile at Crystal suggestively, but I deliver the bad news with a sugary sweet grin, "Oh fellas, I know she's fine, and all, but Boomer will probably rip your balls off if you keep eyeing her. Just a fair warning."