His Christmas Rose Read online

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  “Why the hell would you try and leave? It is the middle of the night and a storm is raging.” He watched as his blossoming Rose was near tears. Fuck, what had he done to upset her? He knew he should have just laid there holding her like he wanted to, but he freaked the fuck out. What he was feeling for this little girl was not cool. From the moment he saw her he felt different and it had nothing to do with her making him horny as hell. When he looked at her, he wanted to see her smile. He wanted to look in to those chocolate eyes and see joy.

  “Tell me what I did that made you want to leave,” he looked down at the precious gift he had been given and needed to know.

  “I am ashamed of myself. I let you take what you wanted with no concern about what the consequences would be. I had sex with a man I don’t know and who has whores in waiting.” Using his hand he lifted her chin to look at him.

  “Hey Rose, there is nothing to be ashamed of. If you are feeling anything like the way I feel when I look at you, then we are two lucky people.” He held her face lightly as he looked in to her eyes and spoke.

  “You left me in the room as though what just happened didn’t matter. It was my first time, it should have been special and until that moment it was everything I could have wanted it to be.” He wanted to erase the hurt from her eyes and heart.

  “Sweetheart, I wanted to stay with you wrapped up in my arms, but I needed to grasp what the fuck just happened. You are the daughter of the man who tried to destroy my whole family. Your father sent you here to seduce me. I had no intention of letting that happen, but I couldn’t resist.”

  “So you had sex with me because you are a horny bastard and that bothers you? Thank you. I appreciate the struggle it was. Excuse me, I need to shower.”

  “No.” He wasn’t going to let her shove him aside. He wasn’t explaining himself right and needed to try again. This time he grasped her forearms and pulled her close, not letting her get away from him.

  “Look, you are taking this the wrong way. I think, no, I know what we shared in there was special. It was better than any experience I ever had. Can’t you feel this pull between us? I want to hold and make love to you all night. I want to wake up and have breakfast with you. I want to learn all I can about you. Yes, I am confused about us, but I know one thing. It is not something that will go away.” She refused to look him in the eyes so he grasped her chin and forced her to look up.

  “Rose, up until two hours ago I was impotent. I haven’t had sex in over eight months.”

  “That doesn’t make you impotent. It just makes it a long drought.”

  “Sweetheart, it wasn’t that I didn’t try.”

  “Thank you for the reminder that you are a man whore.”

  “Damn it. I am saying this all wrong. I just couldn’t get it up, nor the desire to do so. It was not until I seen the most adorable Eskimo on the side of the road did I feel anything other than anger.”

  “You seemed pretty angry earlier.” She remembered the way he stared at her and laughed thinking if he wasn’t mad when they were at the car, then she was crazy.

  “I was angry when I thought you came up here with your father’s agenda in mind, but I wasn’t angry like I have been. I have cut ties with most of my friends. I got rid of all females from my contact list that aren’t family, and I tried to get out of spending time with my family for Christmas.”

  “Wow, you were miserable. Well, now that you are back to normal, I will be heading home in the morning. I am glad I could be of assistance.”

  “Damn it, little girl, if you talk about leaving one more time, I am going to have to tie you to the bed.”

  “Now come with me.” He didn’t wait for her response or her consent. He scooped her up and carried her back to his room and into the bathroom, where there was a bath full of bubbles.

  “I thought you might need this. I don’t know much about a girl’s first time, but as tender as my cock feels from trying to own your pussy, I am sure you are more tender than I am.” He rubbed his cock for emphasis and hell if he wasn’t hard. He was still really hungry for her. The one time should have taken the edge off, but it hadn’t. He bent and gave her a quick kiss and left the room, because if he stayed, she would be more than sore.

  He walked back into the bathroom that she had scurried off to earlier. Still on the floor were her clothes. On the vanity was her cellphone. He had looked at the phone and knew what he had to do.

  First to the little boyfriend, Rick the Prick:

  It’s over. I don’t want to see you anymore. I found a real man who knows how to take care of me. Don’t call or text me again!

  Next the fuck of a father:

  Your plan didn’t work. I fucked your daughter but you are out of luck because now she is mine and I am still going to destroy you. – Kane

  He sent them and then deleted the messages so she wouldn’t see what he had done.

  Spencer took his shower and dried off and had a small towel around his waist. He walked into the bedroom and tossed on some boxers and put her phone on the bedside table, hooking it up to his charger. He ought to spank her because it was about to die. She needed to make sure she could always contact him. Did the girl even consider the constant danger she put herself in?

  He had gone through her text messages but didn’t find anything to make him too jealous. He had to remember that she had a boyfriend until he took her tonight. He laid on the bed and had to calm down and behave. He turned on the big screen television and the DVD player in his room. The cabin had loads of movies because they really only used it during the holidays and the satellite signal was crap. He brought more films with him to enjoy. He loved this cabin. It was so peaceful and relaxing and now it held a much more precious memory and a much better reason to return more often.

  ~Chapter Five~

  Rose had taken her time to soak her aching body. She had scrubbed herself the moment she got in there and then just laid back. She was happy. It had been a long time since she could say that. For some reason, two years ago things changed at home. Her parents changed, before this time they had a very solid marriage. Then all of the sudden things went wrong. Her mother was not as sweet anymore and her father refused to even acknowledge Rose’s presence most of the time. She had been given a full ride when she got accepted to UNE, but he didn’t really care. Rose thought they would get a divorce, but it didn’t happen. They seemed to reconcile, but their behavior towards her hadn’t improved. They seemed happy to see her go away to school. So it wasn’t too hard for her to realize that she had been set up. She was going to send a message to Reed and let him know what was happening. He was always nice to his little cousin. She had shed some tears, mostly out of fear of the unforeseen future. She was heading back to school in three weeks. She hoped Spencer wanted her until then, if not, she would have to ask Reed to stay with him if he was back by then.

  She climbed out of the bath, chilled because in her daydreaming she hadn’t realized how much time had passed and how cold the water had gotten until Spencer knocked to see if she was okay.

  “I am coming!” she shouted at the door as she toweled off.

  “I hope not without me.” She laughed behind the closed door.

  When she exited in a towel only, he wanted to jump her.

  “I have to find my luggage to get some clothes. Which room is mine or am I on the couch?”

  “Are you serious?”

  “Your place is in this bed, and if you think about sleeping anywhere else, I will drag you right back here and give you a spanking so you know how to behave.”

  “Are you always going to be this bossy?”

  “Absolutely, baby, you are my woman. Get used to it. Now before you go and get some clothes out of the case over there,” he pointed to the window box with her suitcase on it, “come give me a kiss.” She had a hard time refusing him anything, but kisses she was glad to give. She had never kissed a man who made her feel so unbelievably wonderful. She reached the side of the bed where he was s
itting and he attacked.

  He pulled her to him and gave her the kiss he had been missing for the last hour. He didn’t realize how much he could miss someone, considering he hadn’t seen her before today. He picked her up and laid her on the bed, pulling the towel away from her body. “Seriously, you are so beautiful. This time I won’t leave your side. I don’t think you need any clothes tonight.”

  They made love for the next hour, both of them coming twice. When they were about to fall asleep, she heard his tummy rumble. “Is someone hungry? Would you like some food?”

  “Actually, I could really use a sandwich or something.”

  “Good, I could use one, too. I don’t like mayonnaise.” He looked at her like her ass was confused as to who was making the food.

  “Don’t look at me like that. Wasn’t it you who said I either had to cook or let you eat my pussy? I do recall you feasted on my goodies several times this evening. So hurry, I am hungry.” She slapped his ass as he was putting on his boxers.

  “What did I get myself into? I didn’t think this through.”

  He looked down at his already semi-erect cock and said, “It’s all your fault. You couldn’t resist her sweet pussy. Now your greedy ass has me making us something to eat.” He had her giggling with his antics. She didn’t think the eldest Kane brother had a playful personality. He tossed the towel at her, “Come on my demanding woman. The only eating in this bed is by me on you.”

  “Fine, but I am just going to sit and watch. Let me grab my phone and see if I have any messages.”

  “Why, baby, what would be the point? It will just make you mad.”

  “Because I am curious and I need to know.” Spencer was hoping that the signal wouldn’t work and that the fuckers hadn’t seen the texts he sent.

  “Oh, nothing yet.”

  “Why are you bothered by it?” He sat next to her on one of the other kitchen stools.

  “Well, because how could he do this to me? He wasn’t even concerned if I made it here or not. I at least expected him to call to see if I had gotten here, especially since I didn’t reply to his text.”

  “Rose, he is an asshole. I am sorry, baby. I don’t understand how he could treat you that way. He will contact you soon because he hates us and needs you to follow along for his plan to work.”

  “But why does he hate you?”

  “My family is pressing charges against him for trying to destroy us financially, and we want to really stick it to him and he knows it.”

  “Is that why you are messing with me? To stick it to him?”

  “You are a smart girl. I can’t say that I don’t mind rubbing our relationship in his face, but no, I am not. I want you. I told you that. Regardless of the issues between our families, you are my girl and no one is going to change it.” She smiled with a great sense of relief engulfing her. She didn’t know if he truly meant what he said, but she hoped he did. She reached over and kissed his cheek, “Where’s my food? Are you going to starve your girl to death after working me so hard?”

  “Baby, you are the one working me hard here. Look at what you are doing. You keep it up and I will feed you something other than food.” He took her hand and placed it on his hard cock. He quickly stood up and started the prep work on their ham sandwiches. “Baby, I hope you are not a vegetarian. I am a manly man and eat a lot of meat.” She giggled as he flexed his shirtless torso for her.

  “Why yes you are! I like meat, too.” He dramatically wiped his brow.

  “That was a close one because I couldn’t stand the thought of having tofu for the rest of my life.” She laughed as he made a gagging face. He was so sexy right now, she wanted to climb over the counter and do wicked things to him, but she managed to behave. They ate the sandwiches he made with some potato chips, then cleaned up, and he carted her off to bed.

  ~Chapter Six~

  They woke the next morning to Spencer’s phone ringing. “Hey, Spencer, this is Mac. There is a dark grey sedan that was seen on the side of the road this morning by the snow plow. Have you seen anyone around? We could have a missing person.” She rose from the bed and slipped on his t-shirt. Fuck if he didn’t want to throw her back on the bed.

  “She is not missing, Sheriff. Rose Landry is here with me. Her car skidded off the road last night, and I brought her here rather than trying to fight the storm.” He gave her a very lecherous look.

  “That’s good. We called the tow truck. he is on his way, but there were others who got stranded last night. What was she doing on your stretch of land? There is no other back road and her closest relative lives on the other side of town.” She came back down on the bed straddling his waist. Her body grinding into his and her breasts in his face, only hidden under a thin cotton barrier.

  “She got lost and turned around. You know women.” They both laughed and Spencer received a punch to the ribs. “Ouch,” Spencer said as he rubbed his side.

  “I take it she is standing right there.” In retaliation he held the phone between his head and shoulder and gripped her hip and pushed against her covered pussy. She moaned.

  “Yes, she is. Well, send me the bill.”

  “No!” Rose chimed in out of a sense of outrage.

  “Woman, hush. Mac, don’t pay no never mind to her, she is too independent for her own good.” He stopped her next jab to the ribs, but she did get him in the shoulder and quickly jumped off the bed and into the bathroom before he could get her.

  “Little Brat.” She giggled behind the closed door.

  He jumped off the bed and put on some boxers and took a look out at the window as he asked a very important question, “Sorry, Mac, just send the bill to me. Can you have him take a look to see if there was any tampering with the vehicle?”

  There was a short pause before the sheriff asked, “Do you think someone intentionally messed with it?” The Sheriff sounded very curious.

  “There is a possibility. The axle broke and I didn’t see any reason it should have. That area isn’t particularly dangerous and you know I don’t trust the Landrys.” Just as he had finished his sentence he heard the bathroom door open.

  “Okay, I will look in to it.”

  “Sheriff, I have to let you go,” he hung up the phone and looked at an angry little Landry right now. Fuck, he messed up again. He sat back on the edge of the bed and put his hand out to her, signaling her to get over there.

  “It is not what you think, so come sit your pretty ass down.”

  “You said you don’t trust me. You still think I came here to do my father’s bidding.”

  “I am not going to repeat myself. Come here now!” She walked her cute but angry ass up to him and he pulled her onto his lap.

  “Sweetheart, I don’t care if you came to do your father’s bidding or not, I already decided that I wasn’t going to let you go. Now I didn’t mean to imply that I didn’t trust you. You obviously missed the first portion of that topic. I asked him to look in to seeing if any one tampered with your car. If your father did anything to hurt you, I would kill him. You mean that much to me.” He caressed her cheek and kissed her gently.

  “We don’t even really know each other.” Rose tried to understand what he was saying was real, but it was hard to grasp. She knew men said what they wanted to get a woman into bed and she was only seventeen, so she hadn’t had much experience dating. He was talking about more than she thought she could handle. Not that she was against it, not one bit against it, but she didn’t want to get hurt. Her parents’ rejection had been a lot to deal with, and the man in front of her held more power in his hands than he understood.

  “I know enough. So far I have learned that you are as sweet as you are feisty. You are smart to be at UNE and at seventeen. I know what being around you does to me and what happens when you are only in the other room. I felt empty inside like something was missing and that is a feeling I really don’t like. You are gorgeous and I am and always will be your only lover and you are not a vegetarian. Everything else we need
to know about each other we will learn in time. ”

  “I don’t know what to say. Are we going to be doing a long distance relationship come January fifteenth or are we just together until then?”

  “What is happening January fifteenth?”

  “I head back to school for the spring semester.”

  “Like I said before, I am not letting you go, so get that breaking up shit out of your pretty little head. We will talk about our options later.” Damn, it hadn’t dawned on him that she was still in school. Fuck, he was going to marry a little girl who he made a woman last night. He was glad his folks will be arriving in the next week. He needed his dad’s advice.

  “Come, let’s make some breakfast. I am starving.” He stood with her in his arms and carried her sexy half naked butt to the kitchen and sat her on the stool. They laughed as they made breakfast together and watched the snow fall. It was coming down hard and their signals were absent. Spencer was going to have to make a run to town soon. He needed to buy his woman something for Christmas. Damn him for wanting solitude. If he had internet capabilities, he could have ordered her something and had it delivered express. Now with the snow coming down heavily, he would have to wait a day or two more before he could get to a shop in town where there was no guarantee that they would have anything special for her.

  They decided to get cozy and enjoy a day sitting on the sofa watching movies. She laid her head in the crook of his arm that he wrapped around her waist, they snuggled up tightly. It was about half way into the first movie that Spencer’s hands had a mind of their own. He started to rub her belly, where he thought about the seed that could be growing in there. They hadn’t talked about it so he didn’t know if she was on birth control, but he hadn’t used any condoms, so she could be carrying a little Spencer in there. The thought of impregnating her had raised his libido to epic proportions. He was craving her as she rested her head on his chest right on his heart. He wondered if she noticed how hard it was pounding.


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