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Room Service Page 3
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Page 3
“Actually, no. That was purely an accident. The storm came faster than I expected and you woke up before I got out of the shower.”
“Oh.” I stare at her lips as she dips her tongue out to lick them softly.
“Yes, oh.” I drag her to me. “I’m going to kiss you, Cassandra. If you don’t want me to, say it.”
“Kiss me, Jamison,” she moans. I don’t hesitate. My mouth presses lightly to her at first, needing to let her feel safe with me, but when she lets out the tiniest whimper and parts her lips, I deepen it, swiping my tongue along hers as I push my way inside. With a growl, I pull back before I fuck her right on the sofa.
“Get your phone while I give Chief Locke a call,” I choke out, spinning her around. I pat her ass, stealing another touch because I can’t help myself. She turns her head and gasps. “You look sexy as hell when you blush.” She ducks her head and goes for her phone.
I walk into my bedroom and call Locke on his private line. He picks up on the third ring. “Hello, Chief Locke, this is Jamison.”
“What can I do for ya?” He’s a great guy, like most people in town.
“We have a problem. We have a mugger in town.”
“A mugger? Are you sure?” I cringe just thinking about the talk and fear that’s about to start in town. We all know each other, so to have someone robbing people, they have to be an out of towner.
“I can’t believe one of our own would do something like that. Maybe a tourist?”
“It’s possible, but the guy was on a bike.”
“A bike?”
“Strange. I got a report of a man tossing a bike next to a trash can before getting into a limo with another man. I thought Mrs. Bates was off her meds again, but maybe those two things are linked.”
“Maybe. That doesn’t make any damn sense.” My mind goes straight to that Charles guy that texted her.
“Who was mugged? I’m going to need to make a report.”
“In the morning. With this storm, no need to be out. She’s safe and in my protection.” He doesn’t second guess me because I give him that tone that I normally don’t use—at least not until Cassandra.
“Well, make sure she cancels her cards.”
“I told her we should wait until we give them a shot to use them. I’ll make sure she doesn’t have to worry about the charges.” Because she’s going to be my wife and never have to worry about money again.
“That’s smart. See me first thing in the morning. We can’t have muggings become a habit.”
“Will do. Take care.”
“Same to you, Jamison.” I end the call and go looking for Cassandra.
Chapter Three
Holy hell. This man is sexy and magnetic, and I can’t seem to resist the pull. I’m not sure what’s going on, except that I want him to take me to bed. I can still feel his kiss on my lips and the light tap on my ass as I power up my phone.
The second the phone is fully on, it pings with tons of notifications from my mother and from Charles. I read through his text messages, which are getting more and more frantic with each one. I roll my eyes and shoot a message to them. I’m fine. Talk to you tomorrow. It’s been a long and rough day, but I’m safe and warm. Then I power my phone back down because I don’t want to talk to them at all.
My time is better spent with Jamison, staring at his gorgeous face, tall athletic frame, warm, soft light brown eyes. His scruff makes my fingers itch to touch it.
Jamison returns to the living room, looking like a predator hunting his prey. “Everything okay, Cassandra?” He cups my cheeks and stares into my eyes, trying to read me.
So far I’ve been putty in his hands, letting him kiss me, and I’m wearing his clothes. Goodness, he smells so good. I shrug out of his grasp because I can’t think when he touches me. “I suppose. I just sent a text to my family to let them know I’m safe. How did it go with the chief?”
“We’ll go there in the morning to give a report.”
“Good, good,” I mutter, thinking about all the trouble I’m causing this man. I should be relaxing on the beach reading my books and drinking a pink drink, but being here with Jamison isn’t that bad of an exchange.
“Let’s have a seat and talk. I’m thirty-two, I have no siblings, and an uber-eager mother wanting grandbabies,” he says without taking a breath.
“I’m twenty-two, a stepbrother—and my mother wants me to marry him.”
A dark look comes over his visage as he takes my hand, running his thumb over my wrist. He has to know that my pulse is racing. “Apparently I have some competition.”
I blush and duck my head, trying to hide how shocked I am that I have this man’s attention. “I’m not interested in him.”
“So you’re interested in me?” he asks, quirking up the side of his mouth, making him even more attractive than before.
“Well, I did let you kiss me. I don’t let strangers just kiss me.”
“That’s good, because I’d have to kill them for tasting your soft lips. They belong to me now.” Goodness, I don’t know if I should try to push back, or hop in his lap. I’ve never had this intense need to be with someone. I’m a twenty-two-year-old virgin. It’s not like I haven’t seen hot men or gone on dates, but he’s on a whole new level. My ovaries are shouting that they’re ready to have his babies.
I bite my lip, trying to control my growing lust, but his words and sensuous stare aren’t helping. “Um…I need to use the bathroom.”
He leads me back to his bedroom. I’m sure as fuck that he has another bathroom in here, so people don’t go in and out of his room. “Please, just through there.”
Suddenly, a rush of embarrassment hits me as I enter the bathroom, so I lock the door. What if he can hear me pee? I turn on the water and the vent before going. After I’m done, I leave the room and hear him on the phone in the living room. “Yeah, get me everything you have. I’m not kidding because I’m going to kill him if that’s the case.”
He’s going to kill someone? Is he a mobster? A bad guy? Do I care? Honestly, I’m not sure and that scares and intrigues me a bit. I walk into the living room, and the rage on his face disappears up in smoke as soon as his eyes land on me.
“Marco, I have to go.” He drops his phone onto the sofa, and that’s when I notice my phone’s still charging.
“Everything okay?”
“Yes. Come here. I need to know everything about you.”
“Are you worried that I’m playing you?”
“Nope, because even if you tried, I’d bring your ass back and make sure you knew that this isn’t a game.”
“Really? How about you tell me what you do?” My tone’s a little more accusatory, and he doesn’t miss it.
“I own this hotel and several others throughout the country.” I’m completely intimidated. He must be wealthier than Charles, and that’s scary to me. Men use their money to get their way. Will he try to buy my affection?
“Are you serious?” Damn it, my contempt is audible.
“Are you bothered by that?”
“My stepbrother is rich and…”
“You think that makes me an asshole, don’t you?” he interrupts me. I bite my lip, hoping I haven’t offended him because I’m not sure he’s anything like Charles.
“In a lot of ways I am, but I promise never to be that way with you. From the second you entered the lobby, I felt your presence, but I thought I was fucking insane. Then you show up on my property, looking perfect.”
“More like a wet dog,” I scoff, knowing that I looked like a mess when I finally saw myself in the mirror.
“Hardly—you’re a thing of pure beauty.”
“You’re being too nice.”
“Cassandra. I’m far from nice. My motives aren’t all sweet. I want you naked in my bed, creaming all over my cock until we’re both a sweaty mess and can’t move.” Fuck. I want that too. I clench my thighs together
, hoping to stave off the intensity of longing he’s wrought. My body hums with the idea of experiencing a real orgasm like I’ve never felt before.
He leans in, running his nose over my collarbone. I shiver as his breath slides over my skin and then his tongue darts out along my pulse. A moan comes from his throat and vibrates against me. “You taste so damn good.”
Closing my eyes, I allow him to continue to explore my neck. When he nips my shoulder, I let out a gasping moan. “Jamison.” His hands slide under my shirt, grazing my sides, up my ribs, and then skimming my breasts with the back of his hand. His mouth moves from my pulse to my jaw until his lips kiss mine again. I whimper and arch my back, shoving my breasts into his hands. He pulls back, bends down, and sucks my nipple, caressing the other one before wrapping his lips around it, moving back and forth between them.
His phone rings loudly through the noises coming from us. It doesn’t stop until it goes to voicemail. Then it starts again.
“Son of a bitch.” He looks back at me, letting his hands fall. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. It’s probably my security.”
“It’s okay. We were moving a little fast.” He nods and then adjusts his cock in his pants. An overwhelming sense of pride fills me. I did that to him. A man who can pretty much have anyone he wants is out of control because of me. It’s not that I’m not hot in my own right, but he’s super wealthy and can have any woman he wants. There’s a sense of power in that, driving the need to push more and demand that he take my virginity. My thighs clench together in anticipation. I’m totally going to lose it to him tonight.
“Lose what, sweetheart?” Son of a bitch. I said that out loud.
“My mind,” I reply with lightning speed. He smirks like he doesn’t believe me, but then he takes the call. I can’t sit on my hands, so I clean up our mess from dinner. I scour the kitchen for the trash. I find it in one of the cabinet pullouts and dispose of the meal. I wash my hands in the kitchen sink and think about cooking him dinner one day as a thank you for everything.
I hear the kitchen door, causing me to spin on my heels. “There you are. I almost thought you ran out on me.” There’s a real look of relief on his face that makes my insides melt.
“I don’t have anywhere to go tonight. Everything okay?”
“Yes. The storm’s going to pick up in intensity. They wanted to make sure I had everything I needed.”
“Do you?”
“I have everything I need,” he growls, pulling me in for a light kiss. Stopping before we go too far, he leads me back to the sofa. We sit with our thighs touching and then he asks, “Where are you from?”
“I’ve been there a couple times for conferences, and they have some great food. I think I packed on ten pounds every time.” He rubs his clearly flat abs that I wanted to lick earlier. He must workout a lot.
“So true. If I didn’t exercise every day, I’d never be able to indulge in a gyro or a pizza.”
“What’s your favorite pizza place? Since you’re a local, I’m assuming it’s a mom-and-pop type place, right?”
“Yep. Some of the chains are good, but when I want something delicious, I head on down to little Italy and get a great pizza. Although it’s usually the night before a big run—you know, carb loading.”
“I don’t run, but I understand the process.”
“So how do you stay so fit?” I question, because I’d love to watch him work out.
“I do a lot of strength training and swimming.”
“I’m afraid to swim in the ocean.”
“Don’t tell anyone, but I am too. There’s a massive swimming pool exclusively for the villas, and I tend to use that.”
“Cool. So do you live here on a permanent basis?”
“Well, I do for now. I haven’t needed more space or anything, so this four-bedroom villa works. You don’t like it?”
“No. It’s really nice. I was just curious. It would feel like a permanent vacation. I guess I’m just surprised since we only get the summer to enjoy this type of beauty and warmth.”
“I’m sorry. I’m going to do my best to convince you to stay.”
“I’m only here for a few days. Although with everything that happened, I’ll probably head back tomorrow.”
“What? No. Sorry. We can square out the bank information in the morning. You can stay here with me and I’ll show you all around town.”
“I can’t do that. You’ve already been so nice about me breaking into your place. By the way—do you always leave it unlocked? That’s completely unsafe, especially for someone of your wealth. People could rob you,” I ramble.
“Don’t worry. There’s a lot of security. The second you crossed the invisible perimeter, my cameras alerted me.”
“But that was hours before I snuck into the house.”
“I know. I unlocked the doors when I came home so you could come in. My head of security thinks I’m nuts, but I can’t let you get away until we see what this is.” His fingers play with mine. As assured as he’s been, I sense a nervousness that catches me off guard again. The thought of me leaving really bothers him. Frankly, leaving bothers me too.
“Fine. I’ll spend a couple of days here, but I’m sure my boss will be on me about when I’m coming home.”
“Don’t worry. I’ll deal with him,” he snarls.
“He’s my stepbrother, and I’m lucky I was able to get these few days.” He shakes his head, sliding his hand up my arm. I reach over and rub his thigh, stealing a glance at his hard cock through the shorts. My fingers are inches from it, but I hold back.
“He’s a prick. How long have you been working for him?”
“Two years.” His eyes widen in surprise then turn to slits with anger at my boss.
“Then you should have more than just a few days of vacation. He can fuck off.” He runs the back of his hand down my cheek, lips inches from mine.
“It’s not that easy,” I argue, losing my steam and all thoughts of work.
“It can be,” he continues, dipping his head to kiss my neck.
“For some,” I moan.
“For us,” he grunts.
“Yes,” I whimper, becoming bold and grabbing his length. I stroke it as he sucks and bites down on my neck. “Make love to me,” I plead.
Suddenly, I’m in his arms as he carries me to bed.
Chapter Four
The storm resounds around us as I lay her on the silk sheets. Her eyes, so trusting, are half closed as she stares up at me. “Cassandra,” I say her name like a plea. The longing inside me has built up from a lifetime of self-denial, and I do my best to hold back. She’s too special for a rough fuck. My girl mewls under me with a need that I can’t refuse. Our mouths meet for a tender kiss, breaking it when she rolls her hips upward, searching for the friction her body needs. “Sweetheart, tell me you’re sure.”
“I want you to fill me up.” With our kids. I don’t say that aloud because I don’t want to frighten her with my feral desire to mate with her. It washes over me, and I wonder if she can see the possession in my eyes. Her stepbrother can’t have her once I put my child inside her. A fierce, powerful urge to beat my chest floods my mind.
I drag my mouth over her jaw, kissing down to her neck, scraping my teeth along her pulse, and then brushing my lips over it to soothe the pain. Her body writhes under me, aching for more. Lifting the hem of her shirt over her head, I attack her perfect tits, sucking on her left breast while I pinch her hard peak and listen to her moans. I want to learn every way to please her, to make her long for my touch.
“That’s it, Cassandra. Do you like this? Or this?” I growl, sucking harder as my hand slides under the boxers until I’m cupping her soaked pussy. She cries out, shaking and arching for more. I slip one digit through her folds, teasing and testing both of us: her readiness and my strength.
“Jamison. Fuck,” she whimpers.
I slap her pussy. “Such a dirty mouth,” I gr
unt over the shell of her ear. She shakes a little more, her cunt clenching down as I pump my finger inside her. “I’m going to use that dirty mouth later. Are you going to suck my cock until I’m coming down your throat, sweetheart? Or should I save that for your pussy, filling it until your belly grows round?”
She cries out, “Fuck. Shit.” Her body splinters so beautifully as she comes for me. I pull my hand from the boxers and suck her sweet juices from my fingers without taking my eyes off of her.
“Are you ready to give me another?”
“I don’t know.”
“We’ll just have to see.” I climb off the bed, and strip, standing completely naked in front of her. Her eyes widen. “Do you like what you see?”
“No more towel,” she purrs, making my dick jerk.
“No. Nothing between us. Lose the boxers.” She pulls them down, but I’m impatient so I finish the job, tossing them on the floor. “Part those legs, or I’ll do it myself.”
She slowly does it, but the smile on her face gives her away. She wants me to part them. Unwilling to wait, I grip her ankles and yank her legs apart. Sliding my hands up her smooth calves, I lean in and kiss all the way up her thighs, biting and sucking on her smooth skin, leaving little marks all the way up to her wet slit which I plan to mark as my own very soon.
“Fuck, you’re shaking, Cassandra. Just wait,” I growl, brushing my nose between her curls. I take my first swipe, licking off her juices that coat her lips. A rush to dive deeper, drinking more of her, consumes me. Pushing my tongue through her folds, I work more wetness into my mouth and then wrap my lips around her nub, sucking on that little bud, sending her hips upward off the mattress. The feel of her tender flesh against my tongue causes me to rock my hips on the bed, searching for my own relief, but I’m not finding any until I’m fully seated in her depths.
Slipping a finger into her tight heat and pumping, I watch her fall apart. “You taste so good,” I grunt what must be muffled words since I refuse to take my mouth off her sweet center. As she comes down, I crawl upward, framing her face with my hands on the bedding. My cock nudges at her entrance, but I need to take a breather and gain control, sweat beading on my forehead and down my spine.