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That turns out to be a big mistake. Someone’s waiting for me as I open my room door. “Jackson,” I squeak out. “What are you doing in here?”
“What are you doing sneaking back into your room? Why don’t you just come in Mick? I know you’re with her.”
Mick comes into the room with a pissed off grimace.
“I’m glad we went to your room instead,” I say as he comes to my side.
“Yes, me too,” Jackson mutters. “I came in because you left the fight early. When I went to check in on you, you didn’t answer. Before you ask, I have a key to your room since I’m the one who paid for it.”
“Listen, Jackson. I’m old enough to do what and who I want.”
“I’m not saying shit. You and Mick sneaking around isn’t a good idea.”
“Well…It won’t be for long.” I want to tell him we’re getting married right now, but he’d freak out.
“No, it’s not. Are you two getting married right now?”
“What! Where would you get that idea?” I ask, trying to persuade him otherwise.
“Mick, next time try being a little sneakier. I saw you at the license desk today.” Shit. That sucks. No wedding for us.
Chapter 14
Tension fills the entire flight back to Texas. Or so it feels like that for me. I can’t stand knowing that I claimed her as mine and not to tell the fucking world. Not one part of me likes this deception. It’s as if somehow, I’ve made us a dirty little secret. Maybe I should have told Boomer sooner. That way right now, I’d have her as my wife without any fucking pretense. I do my best to sketch, but everything comes up dark. Nothing like the designs I drew on the way to Vegas. Granted this would be some dope shit for the fucking shop, it’s not the mood I want to be in. I’d like to be buried deep inside of Morgan, then letting the world know her pussy is mine.
As we get off the plane seemingly annoyed with me, she moves out of my grasp. It pisses me off more. “Don’t fucking have an attitude.”
“Well, stop acting like I pissed in your cheerios.”
“Maybe if you didn’t want us to be nothing, but a fucking shame.”
“Ha. Rich, really rich coming from you.”
“You’re mine now. Officially, I don’t like pretending it’s not true.”
“Give me until tomorrow.”
“Hey, we’ll meet you at the truck,” Boomer calls out, taking his and Crystal’s suitcases as we wait for ours.
“Why don’t you wait?” I ask.
“Because she has to pee,” Boomer whispers while Crystal does the telltale dance.
“Hey, beautiful. Are you here alone?” I hear. I know the fucker isn’t talking to Morgan. I turn my head and rage pumps through me.
“Um, no. I’m not.”
“Pity, baby, you have one killer body. And that ass—I love to see you bent over for...” I’m in his face before he gets the last syllable out. My hand wraps around his throat. I squeeze for a few seconds. I want to knock him the fuck out, but that means my ass is going to jail. I’m standing in the center of the airport luggage check. Security will have me on the ground, drop-kicked and tasered if I tried. I let him go, and he stumbles back.
Chapter 15
“You can’t talk to him yet,” I argue, grabbing his arm as he makes his way through the crowd at the clubhouse. We arrived today, and we’re having a surprise reception for Boomer and Crystal. Sophia and I planned it out days before the wedding. They loved it when they came in, but now Ewan is mad at me.
He whips around, scowling at me. He pulls me away from everyone and over to the front door unseen because everyone’s huddled around the food buffet table. “What? Why not?”
I don’t know why he’s in a rush to do this. It’s not like he didn’t get what he wanted. I’m giving him the chance to keep this quiet. He’s making a big deal out of this. It’s not like Boomer is going to be checking in on me. “I don’t want you to lose everything for me.”
“Morgan, what part of you are my everything that you don’t understand. You’re mine. I tried to hold it off, but I can’t wait. We’re in this together.”
“Damn it, Ewan,” I yell at him. “I don’t want to ruin their party.”
“Fine. We can talk outside.” He leads me outside where the air is perfect. The guys are guarding the front gate, and he walks me over to his bike. “I’m going to tell him. I’m not going to bed alone anymore.”
“We can sleep over all the time.”
“No, I don’t want secrets. I love you, Morgan and as they say, never wish to be parted from you.”
“Fine, but at least wait until the party’s over.”
“I can do that.” He leans into me, wrapping an arm around my waist. We share a brief kiss when all the of the sudden the sounds of gunfire open around us. There’s a van entering the gate. We have no time to run or hide. Ewan throws me on the ground and covers me with his own body. Panic sets in and I feel like I need to learn to be stronger. “I love you, Morgan.” He pulls out his gun, stands in front of me and fires back at the guys.
“I love you,” I say just as another guy shoots at Ewan. He falls right in front of me. I rush over and grab his gun. I don’t know how to use it, but I fire it at the guy who hit my man. It hits him, but it’s not a good shot. I fire again, but the gun is empty. Another guy rushes up and hits me with the grip of the gun. “Bitch, it’s time you pay up big this time. We’re going to enjoy tearing your pussy and ass up before we dump your body off.” Realization hits me. It’s the guy from the alley. I continue to fight, but they’re too strong for me. I’m stunned, but I’m focused on my Mick, my Ewan, my love. God, I see him on the ground with blood around him. They drag me off as I fight. Another blow to the face and I’m losing consciousness. I hear more fire coming from the clubhouse. The van starts moving and then we’re spinning. My head hits the side of the van, and I’m out cold.
I wake up screaming for Mick. “Where's Mick? Please tell me he's okay. This is all my fault,” I cry.
Boomer grimaces down at me with heartbreaking rage in his eyes. “They're taking him to the hospital and Doc is working on him on the way.”
“He covered me to protect me.”
“Good, that's what he should have done. Now let's pray that he will make it.” Boomer’s carrying me back to the clubhouse, and I feel so cold and destroyed. I’m confused, but I need my man. Cyber tends to my wounds, cleaning and bandaging them up. Boomer leaves me there with a kiss on my forehead.
Crystal pulls me into her arms as soon as Cyber takes me into the safe room. My head is spinning, and I blurt out, “I need Ewan to live.” She holds me tighter, whispering kind words to me.
“Crystal. It’s the guys from the alley,” I exclaim, pain, guilt, and fear taking over me.
“Are you sure?” she asks, panicking as well. I’m sorry that I’ve dragged her into all of this. I’ve managed to pull the entire club into it. Worst of all, I may lose the love of my life. As much as I want to lie about it, we need to be safe. It wasn’t as random of an attack as we thought it was.
“It’s them. They found me. I wish we’d told him before,” I tell her. It’s harder to say the words out loud, knowing that everyone, especially Ewan could die because of me.
“I know. I’m sorry. I should have, but…” Crystal’s in tears because Boomer’s not going to be happy with her. It’s my fault with that too. It’s was my business to tell them, and I talked her out of confessing. I understand that everything that happened today rests at my feet.
I rub her arms and gaze into her eyes. “But you know, as I do, he would have hunted them down and been killed or arrested.”
She upsettably shook her head, adding, “Yes, I can’t lose him. And now I might. He’s going to leave me for keeping this from him.” I doubt that, but he’s not going to be happy. Mostly his rage will be geared toward me after the panic and fear die down. I hear the door open and feeling it’s my brother without
even peeking. I’m in so much trouble, but I can’t even care because nothing is worse than losing Ewan.
“Morgan, how are you doing?” Boomer asks me as he sits Crystal in his lap.
“I’m physically okay. I’m sorry. This is all my fault.” Jackson came into the room along with Blade at the same time. “God, this is hard to talk about.” Everyone is gathering around to find out what is going on and I feel the weight of their anger on me.
Then Crystal sighs before continuing for me which I’m grateful. “The day I met Morgan, it was chance. You wondered how we became friends. Well…” she pauses.
Then I add, “She saved my life.”
“What?” Jackson roars, “And you’re just telling us this?” He doesn’t get angry like Boomer and it makes me flinch. It’s always the quiet ones.
“Continue, please,” Boomer mutters with a firm jaw and teeth clenched.
I can tell he’s growing impatient. “I was walking back from the library, checking out all the cool things there when I was pulled into an alley. They…” I break down. It’s like reliving the moment all over again. The feel of them touching me, the knife to my throat, and the fear I’d never see Ewan again.
“They started to attack her, sexually,” Crystal continues, seeing all the men already understanding the situation.
“They didn’t get to, you know…” I attempt to explain. It seems the whole room let out a collective sigh including Crystal.
“I’m sorry, Tigress.” Boomer’s rubbing her arms. I guess he was squeezing her harder than I thought.
“If it wasn’t for Crystal coming over and kicking their asses. I don’t know what they would have done. Obviously, they wanted me dead.” My eyes are fixated on the door because the lingering fear is haunting me.
“That’s their ultimate goal, but I have a feeling these guys work for the Colombian dealer whose name is still unverified. Cyber, get to work on tracing the van,” Boomer says rapidly. His mind is working overtime.
Cyber has his phone out reading something when he adds, “Already on it, Pres. I’ve got stolen plates. I’m looking into the location of the vehicle registration. The VIN comes back to Brownsville, Texas.”
“Okay, well check all of Santos’s connections. If that fucker has ties there, he’s going to have a serious problem. Now, let’s get to the hospital.” That catches my attention. I jump up ready to go, forgetting about my injuries. I have to know how Ewan is doing.
Many of the vehicles are damaged, but we take the few SUVs that aren’t. When we arrive, they send us to the ER waiting area. I’m shaking, hoping that they’re going to give us good news. Doc and Beast are sitting down, then meet our gaze. I’m feeling weak because I see the sadness in their eyes. Boomer walks up, and I follow right behind him. Doc says, “It doesn’t look good.” I faint on the spot.
Chapter 16
Thirty-two days later
His parents returned to Ireland yesterday, but they would be back in a couple of weeks after they had everything settled back home. Seeing Ewan lying in a coma broke his mother’s heart. She could barely stand the sight of him in bed. Hopefully, we would have good news once they returned. I hope for all that is good that he comes back to us.
"Ewan, please come back to me. I love you so much I'm so sorry I wish I could take everything back. You wouldn’t be in the hospital if it weren’t for me. The attack was my fault. I can't go on without you," I beg, weeping into my hands. I'm lost without him. I go around half existing. I feel hands on my shoulders startling me. I turn around to see Boomer with his brow arched. With his jaw taut and his body tense, I can tell he heard everything I said. His head darts Ewan, who is laying on the bed, then back to me. He doesn't say a word for what seems like minutes.
"How long have you two been together?" His voice is gentle when I was expecting to hear anger.
It shocks me for an instant, then I gather myself. "Officially, the day of the fight after Crystal's brother hit on me. I'm sorry."
He takes my hand and pulls me up from my chair, wrapping me up in his giant hug. "Don't be sorry, Morgan. I had a feeling this has been coming. I'm sorry that he's not waking up."
"Me, too." I cry against his chest. I wish things had been different. I wish that I’d been honest from the start.
Chapter 17
I open my eyes to an empty room. I'm confused as hell, and there's a burning pain in my chest. Everything around here just covered with flowers. Am I dead? I hear a beeping sound, and with all the energy I can muster I turn my head in that direction. It looks to be a hospital machine of some sort, but my head is fuzzy. I’m in a hospital. It’s still dark, but I can see the tendrils of sun starting to creep up the horizon. I reach my hand up over my face and brush down to feel growing beard.
How long have I been here? I mentally ask myself. Suddenly I lift myself up into a sitting position frantically looking around. “Where's Morgan?” I question. I shout out around the room calling for her, calling for somebody to give me answers. I’m tethered to the machines, and I want to rip them out. I need to find my woman pray to God that she’s still alive. A team of people come rushing into the room. I don't recognize any of them.
“Mr. McMann, we're glad to see that you're finally awake. But you need to lie back down.”
“Where is she? Where is she? Where's Morgan? Where's my princess?” I shout out to the faces in the room who seem to be nervous I'm damn near ready to jump off the bed. I want answers.
“Calm down, sir. She should be coming soon. It's only going to be six in the morning. She's here every day.” I breathe out a heavy sigh of relief. “Sorry, but you need to lay back down. Trust me; she’s going to be thrilled to see you. We need to examine you.” I relax and lay back against the pillows.
“Can you tell me what happened to me?”
“You were shot in the chest, nicking an artery that was almost fatal. If it wasn’t for your doctor friend, you wouldn’t be here.” Damn, I’m thankful as fuck for that. I just won the greatest prize only to be shot a day later. Fuck, my world’s been upended, and I hope that I can fix it.
“I’ll remember to thank him. So tell me what’s the damage?”
“We’re testing your reflexes and such, but you seem to be moving all your limbs easily. Walking will be hard, but there’s no damage to your spine.”
“That’s fucking great to hear. I feel shaky and shit. Is that permanent?”
“No, it’s more than likely because you haven’t used your muscles in just over a month, and they’ll need strengthening.”
“That’s good to know since I own a tattoo shop. Shit, I forgot about the shop.”
“Don’t worry, sir. I overheard that your staff’s managing it,” one of the nurses replies. I close my eyes and attempt to calm down. My heart’s popping out of my chest in anticipation of seeing Morgan. After about ten minutes of being poked and prodded, several leave me there.
“We’re going to take you for some testing. We want to see if there are any other things to be concerned about.” They wheel my bed out of the room and down several hallways. I don’t care about any of it as long as I can hold my love soon.
Chapter 18
I arrive at the hospital with Boomer and Crystal by my side. Understanding what Ewan means to me, they want to be as supportive as possible. I can’t believe how wonderful Boomer’s being about this. Everything we’ve done to stay away from each other and fight the truth had been for nothing.
As frequent visitors, they no longer give us temporary passes. There isn’t a soul in this place that doesn’t recognize the three of us at this point. We get to his floor, and I’m getting curious glances from everyone at the nurses’ station. Panic sets in. “No, no,” I whisper, shaking my head. Boomer pushes Ewan’s hospital room door open, and I fall out. My brother catches me before I lose my mind. “No, no. He can’t be gone.” The bed is empty. Tears pour down my face like the damn Niagara Fa
lls. I can’t control them, and my heart’s dying inside. I race around the room searching for his belongings. His things are still here, but maybe he just passed. God, I feel like I’m going to die right here.
In the middle of my breakdown, the bathroom door opens, and with the help of a male nurse, Ewan comes out. “Fuck, princess. Come here. I’m not going to leave you.”
I rush into his waiting arms, but I’m slowed down by Boomer who whispers in my ear, “Easy, Morgan the man is barely standing.”
I smile stupidly and walk into his arms. His mouth comes down mine hard crushing my lips to his. I’ve waited forever for this. It’s everything Ewan, and it’s minty fresh. “I’ve missed you,” I tell him.
“I’m sorry, Princess. I should have been more careful with you.” He’s referring to the shooting, but he’s about to change his tune when he learns the truth.
“I’m the one who’s sorry.” His eyes immediately find Boomer. He tenses for a moment but then relaxes.
My brother smirks at him. “Sit down before you keel the fuck over and die. We can talk about your ass being a pussy later.” I help Ewan back to bed. He doesn’t lay down. Instead, he sits and takes my hand pulling me down to sit next to him.
“Mick, I’m fucking grateful for what you did to protect my sister. I understand your reasons were more than to loyalty to the club and me, but that doesn’t change that you did all you could to save her.”
“Thanks, Boomer,” he says, sticking his hand out for a shake. I can see there’s an understanding happening.
“You ever treat her bad; I’ll bury you.”
“Never. Morgan’s going to marry me as soon as we can. Life’s too fucking short to waste another day.” He leans down and kisses my temple. I’m smiling like a fool.