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My Property: A Steele Fairy Tale Page 9
My Property: A Steele Fairy Tale Read online
Page 9
Chapter Three
We were on our way to my parents in Spain. It was a long flight, but we had the company’s private jet so it was just the four of us. The women were a ball of nerves. I tried to explain to them that my parents knew we were perfect for each other. That’s the only reason we have a mate. Tara was my other half and Lara was Hector’s. Soon Diego would be snatching up his. Only two more weeks for him. The poor guy was struggling to stay away.
“Stop thinking about it, Tara,” I warned her, grabbing her hand that was in her mouth, gnawing on her fingernails.
“I’m not,” she protested.
“You’re lying, gatita. You know I can see it,” I said, holding her hand up, so she could see that I was referring to the nail biting. She was going to ruin the pretty manicure they’d spent yesterday getting. My mate was the most beautiful creature there ever was and even though she was a twin, I didn’t find Lara appealing at all. The same went for the others. Our mates were perfect for us so much so that no one could even compare.
“I’m nervous about this, but it’s because I’m not feeling well. My stomach is bothering me.”
“Why didn’t you say anything?” I asked, worried as hell that something was wrong.
“It’s not that serious. It’s probably just my nerves getting to me,” she answered, slipping her hand around my arm, looking for support while calming me down.
“Just so you know, if you show any signs of being sick, I’m taking you to the doctor.”
“That’s fine, my beast,” she muttered, resting her head on my chest until she fell asleep. I had another idea on why she could be sick. Maybe a trip to the doctor might be necessary anyway.
We landed and my parents were waiting for us with huge grins on their faces, bigger than I’d ever seen before. Hector made the introductions and my girl smiled with pride. Thank fucking goodness. I wanted them to get along without trying. I know my parents were surprised that we found our mates so young, and they were barely legal, but I think it had to do with Diego and his mate. That fucker was old and his woman was six years older than our women.
The drive to the villa was filled with awkward silence. Then Tara said, “Diana would love this place. There’s so many old buildings.” Since she was an architect she admired buildings and how they were built, but her favorite was the older ones with the detailed moldings and designs.
“Totally,” Lara said, nodding to her sister.
“What do you ladies do?”
“Nothing yet, we haven’t decided. We were going to college soon or at least a vocational school, but we were taking a year off to live.”
“I’m sorry that you lost your parents.” My mother was still hurting from the loss of hers, so she knew that it had to be harder for someone who barely got to spend time with them before they were gone. My grandparents lived a full life and loved us to pieces and I was sure that if they were alive that they would be spoiling our babies.
“Thank you. It’s been hard, but we had our grandparents and sister who became like another mother to us,” Tara added. I raised her hand to my lips and kissed it. She turned her smile to me and I felt like I just slayed some damn dragons for her. I would move mountains for her. I loved Tara with everything in me.
Chapter Four
Six months later…
Diego cracked me up. I thought Alejandro was bad with the whole, “You’re mine, grrr,” thing, but Diego was ready to knock a guy out for asking her if she would like a refill on her water. Granted the shithead waiter asked as he eyed her tits and ours, but our men weren’t here to lose their shit. I just let it roll off my shoulders. My boobs were fucking mountains now that I was so far along. They were hard to miss, especially in my cleavage revealing dress. I was surprised Alejandro let me out of the house wearing it, but then again, I had a little half coat over it.
“Diego, calm down before you get us kicked out of the restaurant again.” It wasn’t the first time he snapped on someone and it sure as hell wouldn’t be the last.
“I’ll buy the place and shut it down. That fucker is going to be fired,” he growled and Lara and I giggled and snorted which incidentally is how Diego gave us our nicknames whenever he was ticked at us for annoying him. “Diana, the piglets think it’s funny, but I’m sure if I told Alejandro and Hector that he was checking them out too, he would be dead.”
“You better not, wolfie.” It was our nickname for him. Lara and I liked to get Diego all riled up because he was so straight-laced that it was hilarious to watch, and the added bonus was that our men would punish us for being shits to him. And apparently, we had a thing for spankings.
“Try me.”
“What did they do now?” Alejandro asked as he and Hector approached our large booth.
“Nothing,” I blurted out before Diego could say anything. “What are you doing here? I thought you guys were too busy today?” They had a special project they were working on for Diego that was supposed to take all day.
“I missed you, mi gatita.” He bent down and kissed me.
“Then let’s go home and you can show me how much,” I whispered so that none of the other people in the restaurant could hear me.
“Everything good?” Diego asked them.
“Yes, it is. We meet with the team next week to go over the plans.” He nodded without saying anything else.
“Shall we, Mrs. Lopez?” Alejandro asked, taking my hand. I dropped my napkin and scooted out of the booth as best I could since I was now six months pregnant with his giant baby stretching me out to the moon.
“Please take me home, my love,” I said, letting him lead me from the restaurant.
Before we could leave he walked up to the waiter that was eyeing our boobs and gave him a warning, “If I find you ever looking at my wife again, I’ll tear you to pieces, understood?” It was low, direct, and done with a smile on his face.
“You heard?” I asked.
“I saw, then I heard. Why do you get Diego worked up? You know he’s going to be a dick to us in the office and I’m going to have to spread the wealth of punishment to you.” I ducked my head and smirked. I knew damn well what he was going to do and my body was already showing signs of anticipation.
He inhaled deeply. “Gatita, you like being punished. We have to go to the doctor tomorrow. I can’t have you going in for an examination with my handprints on your ass. They might get the wrong impression again.” We stepped out onto the sidewalk and headed to the car all the while I was remembering the massive marks on my rear and my doctor’s face.
“Hehehe. That was funny after I turned a lovely shade of red to match my butt. She understood. I told her I was extra needy with the baby and she winked. She totally got me. But, if it worries you, then this time don’t leave any marks.”
He opened the car door for me and said, “I’m going to bite your ass, then she’ll know how deep I’m going in there too. Now get in.”
I paused, held the frame and tossed out, “You have to work on your threats, darling. They come off as challenges.” With a wicked grin, I shrugged and sat back in my seat. I was asking for it and then some and I knew I would get it. Neither of us could resist.
Ten years later…
“Gatita, get your pretty little ass back here. I’m not done.” She was scooting away from my mouth and I didn’t care for it. I wanted all her honey on my tongue. All these years later and it was still my favorite flavor. If I could add it to my fucking pancakes I would.
“I’ve come three times now, Alejandro. I’m so sensitive right now.”
“Gatita, what did I say?” She started backing up as I dined on her release from behind. I wasn’t going to let her off that easily, but once I cleaned her up, she could lay down and I’d stop giving her orgasms for a little while.
She fucked up this morning and failed to tell me that some bastard tried to grab
her ass when she was out with the kids. If Lara hadn’t spilled the beans to Hector, I wouldn’t have known some punk ass bastard laid his hands on my precious wife. I needed to remind her that she was mine and if someone does something bad to her it’s my job to protect her.
I was pissed as hell. Not at her, but for what happened. She knew I was crazy as fuck when it came to her and she should have made me aware of the situation immediately.
“I’m sorry, my love. I should have told you, but I didn’t want you hunting down a shadow. It wasn’t like I got a good look at him.”
“I have my ways.” I gave her a fast whack on her ass, then leaned over her body and whispered, “I love you, Tara. I worry any time I’m not around. Now, get some rest because I’m still hard as fuck and I need you ready for me.” I rose off her body, then the bed. “I’ve got some work to do. Be ready in twenty. The kids are with Diego and Diana for the night and I want you to remember that no one touches you but me.” We had four kids; two girls, Anna and Maria, and two boys, Jorge and David. We loved them and were surprised we had so many. The rest didn’t. Diego and Diana only had the twins and their daughter, Thalia. Hector and Lara had one of each, Daniella and Thomás.
I was jealous that someone touched her and felt her perfect ass. I wanted to rip his throat out, but instead I would get revenge in another way. For the next twenty minutes, I put my plan into motion. I already sent images to Hector and Lara from the surveillance cameras outside the park and she pointed the guy out before I devoured Tara’s pussy. By tomorrow he’d be bankrupt, I would have my revenge, and a nice donation would be made out to the woman’s crisis center in town.
Now it was time to fuck my wife, my mate, and my best friend until I made her forget his touch. She might not have told me, but she let Lara know she felt violated, dirty, and was ashamed to tell me. I needed to show her how much she meant to me.
When I got to our room, she was laying down with her tablet in hand. “Is he dead?”
“I didn’t kill him or make anyone else do it. But he did make a large anonymous donation to a women’s shelter. Now do you want me to show you how much I need you?”
“Please,” she pleaded, parting her thighs. I could see her pussy was glistening with arousal. I guess she wasn’t so sensitive anymore. Time to fix that and try for another baby. Maybe this time it would be twins.
The End